“This is a subtly unique and fascinating aged tea. Unfortunately, as things tend to go, it is also the most expensive from the TS sheng samples I got. The cha qi is fast and warming. The tea also...” Read full tasting note
This is a mysterious tea cake we discovered – no label, no introduction paper like the tea cake you will normally see. However, none of these will diminish the quality this Pu-erh tea cake is demonstrating.
If a tea lover already tried the 2003 Changtai from us, you will notice this tea cake share some similarities with it. This is because this tea cake was considered the very first batch from Changtai in its earlier year of production by using Yi Wu material instead of Jing, and therefore this is a tea we felt we must introduce to Pu-erh tea lover.
This is a tea cake which has no words and terms to confuse a tea lover’s understanding is very rare in today’s market, so we believe this tea will bring back the good old days of encountering a great piece of memorable work.
Original Han Character: 易武青絣
Vintage: 1999 / 壹玖玖玖
Varietal: Wild Arbor / 野生喬木種
Region: Yi Wu / 易武
Oxidation Level: 90% / 分之 玖拾
Storage History: Stored in Taiwan since 2002
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