“Woohoo, new Game of Thrones! Dry, this smells of chocolate and caramel with a titch of coconut. The tea is full of chocolate and coconut pieces. 5 minutes – The rooibos is the dominant flavour,...” Read full tasting note
“Wow. Impressive. This tea is divine with cocoa kernels, coconut chips, and carob pieces mingled in a red rooibos base. It’s scent is reminiscent of some kind of chocolate liqueur, very decadent. ...” Read full tasting note
“Ah, one of the only rooibos blends I actually like! The flavour surprisingly lives up to the aroma with this one: creamy, chocolately, coconuty goodness. Perfect on a horrible winter day with a...” Read full tasting note
Chocolate chips and coconut pieces match beautifully with the natural caramel flavour of rooibos. This aromatic and flavoursome rooibos infusion is a must try!
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