“Finishing up my last bag of this since I ordered it almost two years ago. I’m not sure why, but I really like Stash’s chocolate teas. It’s not that they’re the best quality; there’s just something...” Read full tasting note
“This is very chocolatey – in fact it tastes more like chocolate than orange. Even the smell is overwhelmingly chocolate. And its more like a dark chocolate taste. I can barely taste the orange at...” Read full tasting note
“Weak brew with subtle orange and chocolate. Can smell the chocolate more than taste.” Read full tasting note
“I found this tea to be OK. It’s somewhat weak, and the chocolate flavor (which tastes more like cocoa powder than chocolate) dominates over the orange. A little bit of Xylitol helped bring out...” Read full tasting note
Chocolate lovers rejoice! This luscious Chocolate Orange Tea is a harmonious blend of creamy, natural chocolate flavor and zesty orange. The pair make a perfectly satisfying combination.
Our Organic Chocolate Orange won first place in its category at the 2013 North American Tea Championship! The Championship is the only independent competition, judged by professional cuppers, to distinguish the highest quality and best tasting teas that are commercially available in the North American marketplace.
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