Carrot Cake Cupcake Green Rooibos

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Cinnamon, Cola, Spices, Wood, Cake, Nutmeg, Nutty, Sweet, Cheesecake, Frosting, Mineral, Pumpkin, Vanilla
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 14 oz / 414 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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34 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hm. After a good scrub, my teas are still tasting weak to me. Perhaps I’m coming down with something – again? Geesh. This is tasting thin and less lovely than normal, although I am getting more...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Dexter3657 for sending this my way. I was very excited when it arrived but I grew a bit hesitant after stevia overload in Candy Cane and the heavy rooibos-y flavor of Red Velvet Cupcake....” Read full tasting note
  • “I have tried a couple of different carrot cake teas/tisanes, and I think that this one might be my favorite. This one definitely has a carrot cake kind of thing going on. I don’t know that I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “So yummy! This blend does justice to its namesake— it really does taste like carrot cake! The dominant flavors are carrot and cinnamon with a creamy finish. The green rooibos gives the blend a bit...” Read full tasting note

From Simpson & Vail

Do you love cupcakes? We offer 3 delicious cupcake blends: Red Velvet Cupcake, Carrot Cake Cupcake and Strawberry Cupcake.

I love carrot cake, whether it’s in a loaf or in cupcake form. What I don’t like is that “some” people always feel the need to add raisins to what is already perfection. Don’t mess with success people! The dry leaf has a delicate aroma of carrot cake spices. The brewed cup is full flavored and fabulous with the smell of just baked carrot cake.

Ingredients: Organic green rooibos, papaya pieces (papayas and sugar), organic cinnamon chips, carrot cake cupcake flavoring and safflowers.

About Simpson & Vail View company

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34 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

Hm. After a good scrub, my teas are still tasting weak to me. Perhaps I’m coming down with something – again? Geesh.

This is tasting thin and less lovely than normal, although I am getting more carrot out of the blend this time than any other time. Also a sipdown, which is sad, because I think I forgot to grab more of this when I ordered the other day.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Oh no – I hope you aren’t getting sick again. :(


Aww. It could be that you’re still recovering. Sometimes it take a few more days for everything to taste “normal”.

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Dexter3657 for sending this my way. I was very excited when it arrived but I grew a bit hesitant after stevia overload in Candy Cane and the heavy rooibos-y flavor of Red Velvet Cupcake. However, I love all things carrot cake and am currently having a carrot cake cupcake and thus found it a fitting time to try this tea. I am happy to say that I have now found a S&V rooibos that I enjoy – and of course it would be carrot cake.

Rather than getting sweetness from artificial sweeteners, it has a fruity sweetness from the papaya which blends nicely with the carrot flavors. The cinnamon chips give it a bit of a spice while the green rooibos is muted and allows the other flavors to shine. This is good but I don’t know if I would choose it over the Della Terra version (which oddly enough, Dexter also introduced me to). I will have to compare the two side-by-side.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

I have tried a couple of different carrot cake teas/tisanes, and I think that this one might be my favorite. This one definitely has a carrot cake kind of thing going on. I don’t know that I’m tasting a distinct “carrot cake” flavor here, but, then again, I don’t know that I’m not, either. If that makes sense. The cinnamon, the fruit notes, the carrot-y taste … it all works very well together to create a taste that seems to evoke thoughts of carrot cake.


Why not Frank’s 52teas, does he not have a carrot cake tea? Oh, well!


Oddly enough, I don’t think Frank has ever made a carrot cake tea.


If he has made a carrot cake tea, it was before I became a customer of his… he hasn’t made one since I have become a frequent (and now constant) customer.

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93 tasting notes

So yummy! This blend does justice to its namesake— it really does taste like carrot cake! The dominant flavors are carrot and cinnamon with a creamy finish. The green rooibos gives the blend a bit of an earthy quality which I just adore.

Big thanks to Marcel Duchamp for sending this in a swap!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Rob Rauschenberg

I’m glad you like this one! Its a good Rooibos.


i want to try this one eventually hehe the list keeps growing lol

Rob Rauschenberg

Sil, I can send you a small sample of this. I should have enough to send 3tsp. Just PM me if you are interested.


This is on my list too, although I’m still not sure about my feelings on green rooibos. I think we have a couple Della Terra green rooibos blends en route though, so maybe I’ll figure it out by drinking those!


Marcel – thank you for the offer! I suspect though that given that i know kittenna and possibly some of the other girls here want to try a bunch of S&V teas, we’ll likely place an order eventually. But i REALLY appreciate the offer :)


You guys are awesome! I wasn’t sure green rooibos either, but this blend convinced me that it can taste fan-freaking-tastic when done right.

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15575 tasting notes

sipdown! thank you fiddling for sending some of this for me to try. There are a number of S&V blends out there that i enjoy and some that are a bit more on the “miss” side. this one falls somewhere in the middle for me. It doesn’t come across as overly cupcakelike but there is that “something” there that reminds me of how carrot cake tastes. That combination of icing mixed with the spices that go in to carrot cakes. It’s why my other half loves carrot cake…with cream cheese icing! I don’t think i’ll restock this, but not because i don’t like it…simply because there are other teas out there that i prefer. thanks again fiddling!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Tastes like Carrots and Sweeter Green Rooibos. Not overly cake-E, tho. Or overly Cupcake-E. I do like the flavor – just fine…and as it cools I can pick up on the Papaya more…it’s juicy and welcomed. I’m missing the cake or the cupcake but enjoying the rest of this one, that’s for sure!

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2238 tasting notes

Another great cup today. I think bringing this one to work was the best thing I ever did, because I do actually and genuinely get carrot cake from this when I make it in my smaller work cup. I think I’m actually getting some papaya today, and it adds a fruity sweetness that fits nicely with the carrot. The cinnamon adds just a touch of spice, and somewhere in the middle of the two flavours a rich, sponginess develops that really does taste like cake! There’s even the tiniest touch of cream cheese icing, although it’s so fleeting I almost feel like I might have imagined it. I don’t think so, though. The green rooibos is pretty muted today, even though this had a pretty long brew time. I was worried that the flavour had faded due to me storing this one in its original paper packaging, but it looks like I needn’t have worried. I couldn’t have asked for a more carrot cake-like tea than this!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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160 tasting notes

Got this in an AWESOME, like out of this world, swap from Marcel Duchamp

So far I have tried this one, the Strawberry Cupcake, and the Red Velvet Cupcake and Strawberry is reining first place. This is a very very close second. The smell of this is fabulous, spicy cinnamon, creamy vanilla, and a bakery warm freshness. I am always hesitant with flavored rooibos because I don’t LOVE rooibos, but I love flavors so I’m always hoping for more flavor than rooibos. I get that with this, I get just enough of the rooibos tea taste for me, it comes through slightly but mostly it’s this amazingly smooth combination of perfectly balanced flavors.

I think this may have just gotten ahead of the Strawberry Cupcake. I’m having this right after lunch and the rooibos is being so kind to my digestion, but it tastes like dessert. I bet this is a killer nighttime tea or with a little cream and some rock sugar as a legit dessert. mmmm this would be a great latte!!

Rob Rauschenberg

I’ve made all of these as lattes and they are very good. I’m so happy that you’re enjoying the teas!! I think we have very similar tastes.

Jackie O

I know and I can’t WAIT until you get your package, I think you will need to carve out and dedicate a full weekend to tasting what I send.

Rob Rauschenberg

You are wonderful. I can’t wait.

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106 tasting notes

Cinnamon and vanilla come through mildly. The rest is kind of just.. idk.. I enjoyed it but not something I’d order. Sample from marcel

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Lariel of Lórien

I made that one with some vanilla rooibos, and it was good.

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #17 from Another Traveling Tea Box

While I enjoyed this, I thought it was a bit off the mark. It’s missing a few ingredients that I think are important in a carrot cake. I expected the cinnamon to play a stronger roll, but I was hardly able to taste it. The papaya gave it a tropical flavor that was just out of place.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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