
Tea type
Green Tea
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1 Tasting Note

1324 tasting notes

During the Global Japanese Tea Association Master course we had two days off (Sat & Sun) to do our own things. So I stuff in as many tea shops as my feet could manage. Some I had known I wanted to go to but this one was completely random. Please make sure to put this one on your list. They are incredibly kind. They have you sit down and they serve you tea and then you tell them what you want to buy. All I ended up buying was this sencha but now I’m kicking myself for not getting more. Granted my bag was already a bit heavy and I had another week left sweatdrop. You can view what the shop looks like here:

Dry Leaf: You would think it was gyokuro. The leaf is so dark, glossy, and pine needle-thin.
Dry Aroma: Divine. Hints of seaweed and freshly dried grass. Mouth watering.
Mouth feel: Soft. (I have a canker sore so I know it’s a bit off on feeling and taste right now… story of my life… ugh)
Flavor: Sweetgrass. Slight marine notes of seaweed and fresh cut grass. As you drink it you can definitely tell it is not gyokuro because it doesn’t have that special umami ping that gyokuro does. Granted it’s not completely devoid of it, just not as strong.
Wet Aroma: brings me back to Obubu’s tea processing facility at Obubu. Lovely. Slightly creamy and hints of grass.

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