Name: Assam S.F.T.G.F.O.P.1 1st flush Birjhora
Supplier: Rutland Tea Co.
Notes on Tea When Dry: Smallish leaves with some but not lots of golden tips
How Prepared: Four tsp. for 4 cups of water
Water Temperature: 95 degrees celcius
Steep Time: 4 minutes
Colour: Fairly light for an Assam. Light Bronze.
Aroma: Light and sweet
Milk?: Not this time
Tasting Notes:
Light and sweet taste, with moderate astringency. It has the faintest hint of spice – a lot more subtle than the Sikkim “Temi” I was enjoying last night. As I sip through my first cup from the pot, I’m noticing an increasing level of astringency. There is a hint of spice also. I like this tea – not outstanding, but comfortingly pleasant; enough to remove the days cares and worries – and that’s nice.
EDIT: As I finish my second cup, I think I might reach for the milk, the more you drink, the more astringent it seems to get!