Mini Green Tuocha Rice Scented

A Pu'erh Tea from


81 / 100

Calculated from 5 Ratings
Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Broth, Celery, Mushrooms, Rice, Butter
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Typical Preparation
Use 3 oz / 100 ml of water
Set water temperature to 190 °F / 87 °C
Use 5 g of tea
Steep for 0 min, 45 sec
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11 Tasting Notes View all

“Thanks so much to Tommy so sending a sample of these my way! I’ve never had a rice scented pu-erh before, I really liked this! It smells terrific, much the same as when I have brown rice cooking in...” Read full tasting note
“I’ve been wanting to try a raw Tuo cha for years, and the rice aspect seemed so appealing. A special Thank You to AmyOh for sending some my way! I thought the rice scented tuo cha smelled just like...” Read full tasting note
“These are very good, very much the same as the Sticky Rice minis from anywhere else. i love the way this smells.” Read full tasting note
“Sarsonator posted a review of a not-yet-available mushroom pu-erh from WP and ever since I’ve have been salivating over it. How perfect is that marriage? Well, as I can’t yet get my hands on any I...” Read full tasting note


The mini Pu-erh tuocha brews a clear amber liquor with a satisfying, aromatic, remarkably smooth taste. The rice scent is not from common rice, but a special herbal plant called Pandan.

This is an authentic CNNP product, not a cheap imitator made by using poor quality tea dust. Compare and contrast please.

•Mini Pu-erh tuocha
•Weight about 5 to 6 gram
•Vintage: 2006
•Green, raw or unfermented
•Premium class
•Loose tea leaves
•Caffeine: Moderate


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