Hibiscus C Blend

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Cinnamon, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Rose Hips
Not available
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 20 oz / 591 ml

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  • “Surprised this hasn’t been reviewed after all these years. Now this is a good hibiscus blend. Two bags in a 20oz mug. I’m mostly getting the hibscus/rosehip combo and a good dash of sweet,...” Read full tasting note

From Peet's Coffee & Tea

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1 Tasting Note

1652 tasting notes

Surprised this hasn’t been reviewed after all these years.

Now this is a good hibiscus blend. Two bags in a 20oz mug. I’m mostly getting the hibscus/rosehip combo and a good dash of sweet, non-spicy cinnamon but not tasting chamomile or lemongrass as their lighter flavors are easily overwhelmed with something as forward as hibiscus. Smooth and a little sweet, not bitingly acidic by any means.

Peet’s Coffee and Tea (a Berkeley company) acquired Mighty Leaf Tea (a San Francisco company) and stopped selling Peet’s branded line of teas when this happened several years ago. So once this Hibiscus C Blend is gone, it’s gone for good, unless I get a wild hair up my ass and go sleuthing to the levels of Mastress Alita to find the wholesaler.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 20 OZ / 591 ML
Mastress Alita

Todd’s son used to work for Peet’s and always said that they made their tea blends, but then… ya, the Mighty Leaf thing happened, and he said their tea sucked after that. Presumably the simply shut down/stopped producing their own blends when they acquired Mighty Leaf, and at least in his opinion, he was very unpleased with Mighty Leaf’s quality compared to the quality of Peet’s tea before that.


Dang, Peet’s made their own blends? Good for them on that front. Like Todd’s son, from what I heard from a few coworkers that loved Peet’s tea, they weren’t pleased with the switch to Mighty Leaf.

Mastress Alita

I wonder if I should brave my Mighty Leaf SF Tea Fes sampler soon, heh…

Lexie Aleah

I honestly was happy with the switch. I never thought they had a very good selection before. I also like now how they are trained to steep their Puerh the right way.

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