“A nice cup of earl grey to chase away the desire for hot cocoa. My last cup of tea I had at my fiancee’s house. It might be my last cup of tea for a little bit because mom and dad are re-modeling...” Read full tasting note
“I’m backtracking to Friday evening. My birthday was almost a month ago, & Tony & I take each other out for dinner for our birthdays. His was in Dec (sag) & he chose Nobu’s, which is...” Read full tasting note
“I’m soooo sleepy but there’s still a couple hours left in the workday. I need a cuppa! I grabbed a free tea bag of this at work several months ago, and it’s sat in my office desk drawer ever...” Read full tasting note
“My favourite Earl Grey, ever. The presence of bits of bergamot, versus ‘bergamot flavouring,’ with a decent black tea, makes an enormous difference. Sadly, this tea is very hard to find in my part...” Read full tasting note
Earl Grey is one of the most popular teas, yet remains mysteriously beckoning. As the story goes, Charles Earl Grey, a 19th century British Prime Minister, was gifted this scented tea in gratitude for saving the life of a Chinese man. The secret to its lingering aroma is the pear shaped bergamot orange, called the The Fragrant One. Most Earl Greys utilize bergamot oils or flavorings. Numi’s special, organic Earl Grey is oil-free-using a unique method of aging this Italian bergamot fruit with malty Sonitpur Assam black tea. When brewed, it imparts an exquisite red-orange hue that calls to mind dawn’s finest moments. Balanced and stunning, we’ve recreated this timeless classic.
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