I’m soooo sleepy but there’s still a couple hours left in the workday. I need a cuppa! I grabbed a free tea bag of this at work several months ago, and it’s sat in my office desk drawer ever since. Time to drink it down!
I let it steep for about 4 minutes, give or take a little. The resultant brew is a lovely reddish brown with a divine earl grey aroma! I’m actually looking forward to this now! (Earl Grey is not one of my all time favorites, but beggars can’t be choosers).
Hmm, not bad! This stuff actually tastes halfway decent. I can feel a bergamot-induced headache coming on though. Ugh. From sleepy to headache-y. Why don’t I just bring my good teas in to work? Oh yeah, ‘cause they’re a pain in the behind to brew. I just can’t win.
Oof, where did this pessimism come from? I need another cup of 52teas’ Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake to turn this day back around. Really, this tea is okay though. I think I’m just feeling overly sensitive to bergamot today.
I despise bergamot. I understand the “bergamot infused headache” completely.
Agreed – bergamot * shudder *