Had this at the NaNo write-in, asked Starbucks for a cup of water, rather than risk any of their overpriced teas. On the way to the write-in, we got off a subway stop earlier and walked over, since we knew there was a DavidsTea between the shops, and they were giving a free tea of the day to anyone wearing a poppy, and one of the teas of the day was Santa’s Secret, so you know we went. Anyway, on the way, we spotted a tea pot in a store window…and then another. And then we realized it was an entire window display of teapots. Including the Alice in Wonderland one I’ve been wanting forever. We rushed inside “Say Tea” and I can honestly say we’ve found my new favorite tea shop in all of Toronto. It’s cozy and filled with teapots and tea and tea accessories….guh. Heaven. How have I not heard of this place? Seriously?
So I opened up my little package of this and fell head over heels in love. It so good, so berry-y and sweet and juicy…yum. Buying more next time we’re in the area. Check out http://www.sayteaonbloor.com/ and if you’re in the area, stop by and check it out! So much love.
Wow! Thanks for posting about Say Tea. I work over there once/week and will definitely check it out. I hadn’t heard of it either.
I’m working on a NanoWriMo too! Very cool!!
Please do! I was blown away by it and utterly shocked that none of my fellow Toronto tea drinkers had clued me in to it!
I’m not actually a NaNo, but I am a NaNo widow. De does it every year, her books are amazing!
You should give it a go some year. It is a lot of fun and I really enjoy your writing! :)
I don’t have the patience for it, I write better in little spurts. But thank you! It’s nice to hear :)
:) I’m WAY behind again this year. But I hope to change that this weekend. Now that I’ve hit upon the story I want to tell.
NaNo – this must be a part of Canadian tea culture I just don’t understand. ;)
@Amy check it out here: http://www.nanowrimo.org/ :)
Ahhhh :)
I understand it’s not you, but your partner NaNo-ing? I hope she’s doing well on hers. Me, I’m behind. Had a different project that I NEEDED to finish (deadline!) so I forbade myself from touching NaNo until that was done. That took two days and then friday and saturday we were away for a birthday, so I’ve just had four days of 0 words. O.o
Gonna be busy today. :D
Those who do not know about NaNoWriMo, follow that link up there and check it out because it’s lots of fun.
I’m at 33k, but I have like twenty pages of handwritten stuff that needs to be transcribed. I’m actually shooting for more like 80k, so I think I’m just about on track instead of ahead. Have a write-in today!
I usually take a weeks holiday in November for NaNo, but this year I just haven’t been very good. I’ve had a hard time finding the excitement and enthusiasm at all this year. Normally I would have a friend to keep me at it as we tend to spend November as one long word war, but she just started a new job and don’t have as much time for writing anymore as usually. So we’re both kind of meh about the whole thing. I’m only at 19,3K so far… (I’m Angrboda there as well. Feel free to add if you want any more writing buddies)
I will harass you into upping your wordcount. You should come hang out in the ToNaNo chat, we have wordwars running all the time: http://torontonano.org/WordWar/
I’m not even on the right continent. :) Not sure I’m eligible. :p
Bah, we have people crashing from Winnipeg and Vancouver and Australia allllll the time