
Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Camphor, Earth, Herbs, Medicinal, Spices, Wood
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Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by RyanG
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “TTB teabag! This is a decent cold rooibos! It’s not as good as the Ajiri one I have, but it’s still a satisfying, pretty well-rounded cup of cold tea.” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the first time I’ve had rooibos, and it’s completely different from what I expected. The aroma is mostly wood and camphor. It tastes a lot closer to shou puerh than black tea to me because...” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

2584 tasting notes

TTB teabag! This is a decent cold rooibos! It’s not as good as the Ajiri one I have, but it’s still a satisfying, pretty well-rounded cup of cold tea.

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39 tasting notes

This is the first time I’ve had rooibos, and it’s completely different from what I expected. The aroma is mostly wood and camphor. It tastes a lot closer to shou puerh than black tea to me because of the earthy and woody flavors, lack of tannins, and even its particular sweetness, which was unexpected because I’ve heard it described as an herbal replacement for black tea and that’s how it seems to be used in blends. There’s a mild spiciness, not like pepper, but like herbs that are also a little spicy.

This was better than I expected, and I’ll keep some around for when I’ve had too much caffeine or want something different from what I usually drink.

Flavors: Camphor, Earth, Herbs, Medicinal, Spices, Wood

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