“Sweetness, dried fruits (plums?) and no astringency or bitterness Finally I can try to lure my girlfriend into trying Pu Erh” Read full tasting note
Company description not available.
Nectar from Yokotea
Nectar from McNulty's
Raspberry Nectar from Red Leaf Tea
Ruby Nectar from Jasmine Pearl Tea Company
NECTAR BLEND from heartfeltMenagerie
Heather Nectar from Fox Tea Club
Special Dark from Mandala Tea
2012 EoT Baotang Puerh from The Essence of Tea
Grand Shou Pu-erh 1997 from Red Blossom Tea Company
2012 Huron Gold Needle Shou Pu-erh from Whispering Pines Tea Company
2016 Bosch from white2tea
Xingyang 1998 Golden Leaf Pu'er from Verdant Tea