Macadamia Praline Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Butter, Nuts
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
Iced 3 oz / 78 ml

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My matcha was composed of the following: Size : Small Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade) Flavor: Distinctive I ordered this flavour on a whim. I like macademia nuts, and i love praline...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: Thank you to Azzrian for sending me some of this Matcha … I enjoyed it. I was hoping for more of a caramelized flavor with this one, but I liked the macadamia nut flavor. It was...” Read full tasting note
  • “thanks so much to Sil for this one! red leaf really is a wonder…. i have no clue how they accomplish the nuance of flavours in their matcha without preservatives or sugar. honestly, this flavour is...” Read full tasting note
  • “I made this this morning before I started work, overheated the milk first and then forgot while I was frisking so it didn’t start out well. There’s a pot of herbal berry tea in the Breville...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

When the well known and cherished taste of macadamia nuts, sweetened further into delicious tasting pralines and expertly balanced with exotic Matcha, makes an especially delicious treat that delivers on lip smacking gratification. Macadamia praline Matcha is a full bodied treat that augments its takers with the feeling of enjoyment with deep satiation afterwards. This exceptional tasting snack is a great choice for both children and adults.

Macadamia praline Matcha is incomparable to many other treats because it can be taken with other refreshments or as a standalone treats depending on the scenario. It is excellent for young children because of the health benefits that both macadamia and Matcha rewards their many takers. It bright colored appeal also draws many takers towards the sweet depths enclosed. This great Matcha treat adds its well rounded charm to many main meals during the day.

When unusually busy days become almost unbearable and the will to continue becomes non-existent, taking a break with a well deserved treat of Macadamia praline Matcha always returns the pep back into any tired step. This delectable treat is wonderful for senior citizens whose diets normally lack in true enjoyment and required healthy sweetness. Macadamia praline Matcha makes the best reward for many hard working people who want to make a difference to their everyday surroundings.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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10 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

My matcha was composed of the following:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Distinctive

I ordered this flavour on a whim. I like macademia nuts, and i love praline flavours…so i figured what the heck. Red Leaf has been good to us and I also wanted to try some of the flavours that didn’t seem to pop up as much.
Opening this, there’s a strong macadamia nut flavour, with faint undertones of a bit of a chemical smell. I opted to drink this as a latte simply to add some creaminess to the taste. Matcha lattes with redleaf are my favourite! i rarely drink them straight unless it’s just to see if the flavours taste better because i haven’t liked it as a latte flavour.
Final verdict on this? It tastes like the nut, but it’s missing the caramel praline flavour that would be perfect with this taste! There’s no bitterness to this but i REALLY was hoping for a different flavour to come off. I almost felt like i could have just been drinking the macadamia nut matcha that red leaf also has. After i added a bit of sugar to this, it helped a little bit to draw the flavour out a little more, but i’m not a fan of having to add sweetner to my teas and matcha. Overall not bad, but there are others i like WAY more!

Buy it here:

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4843 tasting notes


Thank you to Azzrian for sending me some of this Matcha … I enjoyed it. I was hoping for more of a caramelized flavor with this one, but I liked the macadamia nut flavor. It was tasty!

Here is my full-length review of this one:

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390 tasting notes

thanks so much to Sil for this one!

red leaf really is a wonder…. i have no clue how they accomplish the nuance of flavours in their matcha without preservatives or sugar.

honestly, this flavour is not my favourite…. the madegascar vanilla has been my favourite so far, but the components of this were very clear! easily a moana loa nut praline! i am hugely impressed.

i wouldn’t buy it…. but red leaf, you have my full attention. this is what i drank on the day of my last exam… the one i sleep walked through? the one i barely remember? somehow, with a fever and sick as a dog i got through with a B+. as far as i’m concerned that’s a 3 way effort: mine, Sil’s and yours, red leaf. because i have no other explanation.

still enjoying these matcha powders with cold milk….


Congrats on the B+!!! That’s awesome :)


Glad you got through it all! :)


no kidding! thanks for the congrats…. i have one last hold out mark…. my prof is driving me bonkers, lol. i might finish with an A… maybe i should go check again— ARGH!!!!! nope! still not up!!!! sheesh, lol.

what would i do without you guys? you guys and tea keep me sane….ish. =0)

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772 tasting notes

I made this this morning before I started work, overheated the milk first and then forgot while I was frisking so it didn’t start out well. There’s a pot of herbal berry tea in the Breville waiting for me and also breakfast (orange carrot juice and a clementine). I’m pushing through this because it is just on my ’it’s okay’ list rather than a ‘love it but it’s old’ list of the matcha I have at work.

I don’t love this. From my previous tasting note, I never did. It again tastes on the edge of artificial for me and I’m just not into it. It’s been difficult getting back into matcha after a couple months of absence. At home I can make them into smoothies with fruit which is delicious but at work I have no options other than what I can achieve with a microwave and a milk frother. Does anyone on here have any experience with portable blenders at work?

I’m thinking of giving this up. It’s on the older side, but the flavour is still strong for me. Probably 20g left. Classic matcha, distinctive flavour level.


This is on my “try someday” list if you decide you want to swap it out! :)


I have enough to send to you and stuff into the TTBB if you like. Throw some in a plastic baggie, that’s all I’ve got. I can send you a teaspoon or so, enough for 1 or 2 servings, depending on your taste preference. Do I have your address?


A baggie is totally fine. I think you have my address, but I can PM if you if you want…is TTBB a traveling tea box? I don’t think I’m currently on the list for any of those.

Thanks! This way I’ll know if I like it enough to order in the future. Can I send you anything? My cupboard is pretty well up to date I think.


Traveling Tea Box B. I’m the last stop before it goes back to the initiator. I’ll go find your address when I get home from work. I don’t like the new message setup, but I’m sure I can find you.


Sweet! :D

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1501 tasting notes

Woot! Came home to this awesome new interface. I want to play… :)

Thanks to Sil for sharing this with me, I’m really glad you were able to part with a bit of matcha for me to try.

I smelled just the normal matcha smell opening up this bag as well as during mixing. It’s Distinctive-level flavoring, so I guess it could go either way. I do eat a LOT of macadamia nuts, so I was really looking for that flavor. What I got however was a strong buttery taste, followed by a nondescript nut flavor. That was it. Boo. I did play with it a bit (matcha and liquid) and this was the volume of water and amount of matcha that it tasted the best at, for me. Still yummy and delicious, however I wanted macadamia nut praline, darn it! :)

Flavors: Butter, Nuts

Iced 0 tsp 3 OZ / 78 ML

Oh my. 0.25 tsp defaults to 0? Interesting. Good to know.


Oh wait, it’s all rounded up. Erp. this is a problem when using weird measurements. This was 1/4 tsp in 1/3 a cup of whipping cream – which SHOULD be 0.25 tsp in 2.67 oz.


whipping cream? really?


Yea, it sounds silly, however I’m currently on an eating regimen that requires me to eat 85% or more of my diet as fat (yes, this is totally legit, and yes, this is for medical purposes – it’s going beautifully!) Whipping cream is great in this case, although it still feels ridiculously indulgent.


Weird! Well, I hope your diet does what it’s supposed to! I can’t even drink 2% milk because it feels too thick.


It’s already cleared up 80% of the medical crud within a week, and to boot I’ve gone down one size in clothing. Added (surprising) perk!


weird.. this isn’t showing up in my dashboard…


i see..somehow you become unfollowed miss B….grrrrrr


Oh, boo. I have to go look at your tasting notes for this one.

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1113 tasting notes

I’m very grateful to Starfevre for letting me try some of this. It has always been on my “holy crap this flavor sounds amazing I must try it someday!” list, but with the mixed reviews I’ve been scared to invest in a whole package.

This morning I whipped some up as a hot latte with honey. This matcha smells AMAZING. Exactly like it is described, it smells like a macadamia praline! Now, why can’t it taste exactly like it smells? There IS something a touch artificial tasting about it. It is drinkable, but definitely not something I would purchase in the future. I don’t have many flavors of matcha laying around right now, so I will easily finish this sample though. It’s a nice change up and will tide me over until I can order a better tasting nutty flavored matcha in the future! :)


That sounds amazing. Putting it on my list!

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807 tasting notes

Get it here:

This may be one of the few matcha I can drink straight although that won’t keep me from enjoying it as a latte :)
Tonight I am drinking very small amounts of all the matcha I can to get my reviews done in time for the rewards cut off. With that said I am enjoying this one quite a bit. It does not taste better than straight macadamia nut to be but it is nice to have for a change because I do tend to reach for my macadamia nut matcha often!
This one is very yummy with the added flavor of caramel I believe. It could be just some sort of syrup flavor but whatever it is – its YUMMY!

I got mine in the robust flavor which I believe I would get again in the future. No need to have less flavor in a dessert treat like this!

I am savoring the tiny amount I have made for this tasting and drinking it without the typical latte and loving it. The sugary flavor comes through but there is the benefit of no sugar added and I don’t need to add it to make it taste like dessert!

Thanks Red Leaf tea keep bringing the new flavors!


Yum I want this one too.

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