2012 Gifting Ripe 8 Years Aged

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Loose Leaf
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sample from Sil. Thank you! I picked this out of my sample pile, and then I was thinking about whether I should air it out or not, but then I decided to just go for it and try the tea. The piece I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve had this one a few times now without writing a note. I picked this as my morning tea since i have a bit of time this morning before work gets a little crazy. I also desperately need to get...” Read full tasting note

From Mandala Tea

Aromas take us to unexpected places sometimes. In this case, it’s cherry cola in the study. We don’t have a study, but this tea helps us imagine one. We’re big fans of the Gifting Brick and recommend it to anyone interested in the larger leaf pu’ers. There are some whoppers in the brewed leaves for people who like to dig around.

Under the nice craft box and lotus watercolor is a 250 gram cake pressed in 2012. The material used was fermented in 2007 and carefully stored before pressing. The tea brews up clear with excellent flavor in fast gong fu style, in longer "western" style steepings, or in the unattended forgotten mega-steepings that sometimes happen in this shop. Very forgiving and very tasty.

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2 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Sample from Sil. Thank you!

I picked this out of my sample pile, and then I was thinking about whether I should air it out or not, but then I decided to just go for it and try the tea. The piece I got is quite tightly compressed, so I’ve started with a 30 second rinse and a 5 minute wait.

15 second steep. Oh man, it’s been forever since I’ve had an aged puerh. Smells SO GOOD. It’s really tasty. Has some lovely sweet notes and doesn’t taste musty at all.

And now I have a cat on my lap and to lean forward and steep again would mean tipping the cat onto the floor, and I don’t feel like doing that right now. :)

Edit: I’ve had a few more steeps and I’m really enjoying this tea! Maybe now that I have the kettle set up, I’ll manage to drink more of the vast quantity of puerhs that I have…

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15575 tasting notes

I’ve had this one a few times now without writing a note. I picked this as my morning tea since i have a bit of time this morning before work gets a little crazy. I also desperately need to get through more of my puerh since my cupboard is back over 100. sigh I’m a fan of this one…if i had any sort of set up for storing puerh, i’d likely pick up a cake/box of this one. It’s very smooth and has creamy mushroom and brown sugar notes in it. I’ve only done a couple steepings but there’s no fermentation flavours here to throw things off and it’s just an overall good time. yum.



I wish I could work from home today so I could drink all the teas. Sadly, I can’t do the science from home.


i’m trying to get through as many things that i haven’t tried today heh


Monday’s a holiday which I was really excited about (time to stay home and sew and drink tea!) but I’ll have to work as all my experiments have a 5-day spread. Thursday, Friday and Monday, or Monday, Tuesday and Friday.


yeah i’m on a release this weekend..so saturday overnight for me..but then i have sun and mon :)

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