Fukamushi Sencha Matsuri

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thick, buttery, “steamed veggie” aroma. Tastes potato-y, starchy—with a hint of mint in the aftertaste. It’s almost like a green tea “soup”—very full-bodied and savory. No astringency, smooth...” Read full tasting note
  • “‘Full-bodied’ certainly describes this sencha, almost to the point where ‘heavy’ might be the more accurate adjective for it. The finish lingers well beyond the point where most types of sencha...” Read full tasting note
  • “AGH!!! I just wrote my review and now its gone. Not sure what happened. Sighs. Here we go again. I found this to be a standard sencha only with less of a grassy note and more lingering sweetness...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Distinctively mellow and full-bodied green tea. Ideal for those who likes full-bodied tea.

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3 Tasting Notes

314 tasting notes

Thick, buttery, “steamed veggie” aroma.
Tastes potato-y, starchy—with a hint of mint in the aftertaste. It’s almost like a green tea “soup”—very full-bodied and savory.
No astringency, smooth and rich. This is very yummy!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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42 tasting notes

‘Full-bodied’ certainly describes this sencha, almost to the point where ‘heavy’ might be the more accurate adjective for it. The finish lingers well beyond the point where most types of sencha fade, and this may be off-putting to those who prefer a brighter, sharper note to their Japanese green teas. However, it stands up well as a wintertime tea, strong enough to hold its own against even the sweetest cake or bun.

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1764 tasting notes

AGH!!! I just wrote my review and now its gone. Not sure what happened. Sighs.

Here we go again. I found this to be a standard sencha only with less of a grassy note and more lingering sweetness followed by menthol. At first I wasn’t sure but then saw someone else mention it in their note so I knew I wasn’t going crazy!
Also, there was a time way back when that sencha used to make me a bit queasy. Recently I found that not to be the case, but here I feel just a bit of it. Not enough to complain or anything, just something to notice!


Hmmm, there are some teas that make me queasy as well. I just smell them and my stomach turns. Weird how that is.


Yeah I never understood how that works! Why does it affect some people and not others, and why is it a different tea for everyone?

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