2019 Spring Peach Village Maocha

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  • “2019 Peach Village Maocha Liquid Proust Teas 5.1g, 90 mL gaiwan, 200f-205f Poland Spring bottled water Leaves in prewarmed gaiwan have a sweet fruity smell, almost in a gummy candy sort of way 8s...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

306 tasting notes

2019 Peach Village Maocha
Liquid Proust Teas
5.1g, 90 mL gaiwan, 200f-205f Poland Spring bottled water

Leaves in prewarmed gaiwan have a sweet fruity smell, almost in a gummy candy sort of way

8s rinse

Wet leaves have a slightly smoky note, but still sweet, somewhat like a lighter oolong initial wet leaf smell. Very nice. Also a slight sharp candied cherry cough drop or acidic tomato-y like note some young shengs I’ve tried have.

6s: soft. Okay wow, it does literally taste like peaches, or the dried apricots snack pack things. Aftertaste isn’t strong, but it’s a really pleasant continuation of the taste. What have I been
missing out on all this time by hitting all my young shengs w boiling water?

8s: slight vegetal almost bitter note that fades immediately. Upfront taste is in the vein of the wild/yesheng young teas that I’ve had a few of recently, but the lingering aftertaste is
completely dried apricots that lingers and shifts to a nondescript almost minty, but not quite, sweetness. This makes me wish I could handle drinking young sheng more.

10s: slight bitterness amidst the soft honeyed floral taste. Had dinner in between the last steep and this one and so aftertaste is really muted which is kind of a shame.

10s: strong peach/dried apricots taste upfront. Slight bitterness. Aftertaste has a slight vegetal/boiled mint and mango hint

10s: soft pleasant taste that sits slightly in throat. Slight bitterness. Peach taste is somewhat lighter but still present. Aftertaste is more on the side of a sweet slight mint

10s: soft and simple, but comforting. similar aftertaste to before

10s: again, fuller taste and strong peach/dried apricot in a really long lasting aftertaste that moves to a general sweet taste

12s: very sweet; some of the very slight bitter vegetal tinge, then the same peachy, dried apricot, almost cobbler-sweet like aftertaste

12s: pretty soft on this one. Aftertaste is lighter, and more like a gummy candy taste

12s: soft and sweet

10s (accidentally did 212f): similar, but had a bag of Funyuns just before so not really catching the aftertaste

15s: similar. Regretting the Funyuns

20s: took a break and came back. Same soft peachy sugared taste and aftertaste.

20s: slight astringency and brisk, like a green tea. Slight drying, but otherwise similar.

25s: leaves have an apple scent. Taste is slightly in that vein as well (both apple and slight astringent note seem apple-peel related), though perhaps just due to lightening at this point.

30s: similarly lightened. Will probably cap this one soon

1 min: slightly bitter, with a sour sweet fruity taste.

2 min: just a really light fruity taste, slight bitterness and drying.

Will thermos remainder

Overall: A happy feeling, not sure if it’s qi or just from being surprised at how spot on the taste is to dried apricots. Doesn’t have a wild amount of variation in tasting notes, but in what it does hit, it performs excellently. Thermos was more of the same and quite enjoyable. Young sheng generally makes me uncomfortable, so the remainder will be for the once in a blue moon young sheng days.

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