camomile infusion

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Indigobloom
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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From Lipton

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It's Lipton,. They're pretty big.

3 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

This was terrible. Even with honey added, it was more like juice than tea. Never again…
That is all.


Chamomile juice sounds terrifying.


Oh it certainly was!!! and I’m not sure how it happened that when I lifted the bag out to cease the steeping, it splashed some red onto the side of the pot! red tea dust in a camomile bag!!!!


I had lipton chamomile many years ago, vile stuff, horrid, and definitely not worthy!


ugh! blegh!! I shudder at the thought of ever having it again. In fact, I think Lipton Camomile is the reason I “thought” I hated it for years! before I turned tea-manic that is :)


I’m done with Lipton, except for the accasional cup at Grandma’s house-it’s all she stocks. In that case I do add sugar. It is so bitter {sour face}.


yes, sugar will save many a tea! though not lipton, for me… evil evil “tea” that it is!


Yeah ….honestly, I haven’t had that poison in years. I do occasionally have a cup of Red Rose, when remembering my Grandpap.


ah yes red rose… it served me well for many years!


as a matter of fact, Paps used to go up to Toronto to visit his Cousin, and he brought back Canadian Red Rose teabags. He always said they were better than the ones sold in US (agree). That’s how I was introduced to RR tea.


haha really?? that is awesome :)

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111 tasting notes

Had this in a hotel room one evening
It’s pretty bad. I could hardly recognize the chamomile taste; it’s as if only the stems, leaves had made it into the bag, while the flowers had been sent to another product.
There’s a faint bitterness to the brew and nothing flowery.
Not vile but really not good either.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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29 tasting notes

Herbal Infusion Camomile – Lipton
For me quite ok.
Camomile, Hints of citrus
Do not overheat, do not over-steep, and then a good Camomile

Flavors: Citrus

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