I started with green tea today (not this one) because I have lots of butterflies in my stomach. Today is certificate of merit testing day for no. 1—we went early for the theory test because his piano performance exam is at 1:20 followed by a baseball game and we weren’t sure he’d be able to get back in time for theory.
I’m more nervous than he is, of course. We’re about twenty minutes away from leaving for the performance part so I’m having something I hope will be both invigorating and calming.
I love the whole idea of pearl teas and while I’m more familiar with them in the oolong world, I’m just as happy to have them elsewhere. In the tin, these are pretty dark green with silver streaks in them. They have a light jasmine fragrance.
They steep to a clear pale yellow that leans more toward the golden side than the lemon yellow side but with a hint of green. The aroma of the tea is a delicate jasmine that smells like my backyard on a summer evening (we have a lot of jasmine bushes lining our deck).
The flavor is delicate as well. Some jasmine greens have a much stronger jasmine scent and flavor. Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it isn’t.
What I like about this one is that even though the flavor is delicate, it’s a very natural flowery scent and flavor. It doesn’t smell or taste sprayed on like jasmine sometimes does.
While I think in ordinary circumstances I’d want a bit stronger flavor on both the tea and the jasmine side, this is really nice in terms of flavor and balance. I will enjoy sipping it down.
I hope it’ll all work out today! I’m sure it will. :)
good luck to No. 1!
He got through it just fine. Thanks! I am so relieved.
I bet he did great! :)
We’ll find out Monday but unless something went really wrong on the theory part I feel sure he will pass.
Aww, happy everything went well :-)
Thanks, TF! I wish there was a magic formula to get kids to practice. I was always motivated by wanting to get to the next harder level, but my kids aren’t like that. They like playing, but they don’t make the connection between practice and playing well. It seems like there’s been a cultural shift of some sort so that kids are only motivated by extrinsic rewards. My entire being recoils at the idea, but I admit I’ve resorted to it because I want the kids to be successful at whatever they undertake.