Gongfu Sipdown (718)!
It may be pouring rain outside, but I’m feeling nothing but warm and cozy inside right now. I decided to have a late morning/early afternoon session from the comfort of my bed. Brewing very strong this morning (the whole sample tossed into a 70ml pot), so keeping infusions short and to the point.
What teas do you gravitate to on rainy days!? Aside from things that are heavily roasted (Houjicha, Yancha, etc.) I also often will steep up some shou/chenpi or sticky rice scented teas when it’s all rainy out. To be honest, I may still make one of those – just Western style in amug, so I can go sit outside later in the rain and soak all the delicious wet earth smell in.
This tea is deeply nutty with a solid roast – it’s taking ages for this tightly compressed piece to open up, but I’m enjoying the journey. Early infusions have notes of heavily roasted mixed nuts (chestnut, peanuts, almond, hazelnut) and burdock/chicory root, with a warming spice undertone. There is a consistent minerality, and a woodiness to the finish. Starting to evolve into a hint of something fruity, but dense and deep, in the finish: prune or raisin maybe? Some kind of cooked down plum!? I can tell by the end of this session I’m going to be wicked tea drunk!
We’re on steep twelve now and counting – I don’t see this brewing out any time soon!
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IS7AlAD_i/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm9RNjR4IOM
Well, I second your choices for rainy day teas: sticky rice, shou, roasted. Also, powerful and fragrant dianhongs.