First off, I know very little about Pu-Erhs.
That said, I thought this tea was so-so. It tastes like good tea, but it is very smokey (I am not fond of smokey teas).
The first and last thing I taste in this cup is smoke. The middle notes are strong and bold, with a deep, earthy flavor. The end taste is a mix of the initial smokey flavor with the earthy tea taste. The after-after taste is somewhat bitter, but that could be because I brewed it a touch long.
The website suggests trying it with a pinch of salt, instead of sugar, so I drank about half the cup, then added salt. Somehow, the salt makes it less smokey. I’m not sure how or why, btu I must say that I like it more with the salt! I’ll post again when I try it with sugar and cream, but overall I must say that this is a tea for well-seasoned tea lovers, and is not for the beginner.