2022 'Exotic Other' Raw Pu-Erh Tea

A Pu'erh Pu'erh (sheng) Blend from


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Pu'erh Pu'erh (sheng) Blend
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The return of some of our personal favourite Menghai area material, from a very particular piece of land; the dry conditions in 2020 and 2021 meant there was not any tea for us to buy, and erratic rainfall at the start of spring this year nearly ruled it out for another year. Thankfully weather conditions improved and we were able to produce a very limited amount of this tea. Strong, sweet, and quite invigorating material with a solid interplay of bitterness, astringency, and enduring huigan. Silky texture and mouthfeel owing to the age of the trees and forest environment.

The wrapper art was a special commission by ERODUCTIONS.

Spring 2022 material, 200g per compressed cake, with five cakes in each traditionally wrapped bamboo tong. 25g samples are cut/broken from 200g cakes and sealed into bags.

About Kuura

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