“Sipdown! 50/365 Another one I thought I reviewed. Mysterious. Anyhow, thanks to MissB for this interesting-sounding tea! My recollection is that I was unable to taste curry last time, although I...” Read full tasting note
“OMGsrsly (or someone else who passed along this tea) wrote “interesting” on my sample packet, which essentially sums this tea up. It’s not the savory spices that are “interesting”, but the fact...” Read full tasting note
“Sipdown (118)! Thank you MissB for the sample! This is actually one of the teas you sent that I was most excited to try – I don’t know why I left it for so long. As is pretty well known, I love...” Read full tasting note
“Whoa! I really liked this one! It’s like CANDY. Sort of. With a hint of something extra. Yum yum yum. Too bad I have to share. :D Definitely going to try a cold brew of this one, but I’ll make it a...” Read full tasting note
The vert parfumé à l’ananas accompagné de curry, de gui, de fleurs de tournesol, d’osmanthus et de souci. Un mélange fleuri des plus originaux.
Green tea flavored with curry accompanied by pineapple, mistletoe, sunflower flowers, osmanthus and concern/wprry/care. A floral blend of the most original .
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