I got this in the mail today and couldn’t wait to try it! The cake was definitely darker in color than the usual Sheng, and it was pretty loosely compressed. Most of Jalam’s raw puerhs are loosely compressed and I appreciate that…makes it easier to break apart.
This tea brews up to a nice yellow color. I brewed 7g in my little Jian Shui pot, and I think maybe it could have used more leaf. In the early steeps, it had a nice thickness to it. The texture was also buttery. Taste-wise, it was more savory in the beginning and then changed to a delicious sweetness later. I also detected a dried berry note. I really enjoyed it and will definitely enjoy the rest of this cake!
Well hello stranger!
Hello there mrmopar. I’ve been in lurker mode, while awaiting some of these young shengs to age awhile. There seems to be lots of puerh activity on the threads!
I understand, I have been through a few rough days that has gotten me behind. I need to get back after it when all stuff is over around here.