“Gongfu! Started my morning with a really special session of this shou pu’erh!! What made it so special? Well, anyone who knows me even kind of well knows that I LOVE anything weird and...” Read full tasting note
Vanilla Bean Dream Machine was inspired by a tea I learned about via an @oolongowl blog post.
The tea had a really strong vanilla aroma. I’m not sure how that happened. I haven’t any tea that comes anywhere close.
I decided to add vanilla beans to shu, have it pressed and see what happens. I had a hard time finding anyone willing to do it. I can’t blame them. We were eventually able to find a solution. The first try at this has a mild vanilla flavor that plays a supporting roll.
The second try is pretty strong vanilla wise and the flavor lasts a few steeps before moving to the background. It will leave tiny vanilla beans in your gaiwan. I think it’s fantastic. Both versions are for sale in 100g cakes.
Both versions use the same shu that has a cocoa and carmal notes.
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