Bancha Yoko

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Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Day 4 of the Inoki Bathhouse advent calendar. Love Japanese greens, so this was right up my alley. Off the bat, I really liked the color of the steeped leaves – a slightly less green version of how...” Read full tasting note
  • “Adventageddon Day 4 Gongfu! Not a tea for me, but definitely one that was interesting to try and challenge myself with since I don’t often go out of my way to brew up Japanese green teas (outside...” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

1307 tasting notes

Day 4 of the Inoki Bathhouse advent calendar. Love Japanese greens, so this was right up my alley. Off the bat, I really liked the color of the steeped leaves – a slightly less green version of how cooked spinach looks. As for the flavor, I was expecting something hojicha-esque but this wasn’t really. It was more like a mix between sencha and a light hojicha. Vegetal with a bit of nuttiness. This got finished off quickly!

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16950 tasting notes

Adventageddon Day 4


Not a tea for me, but definitely one that was interesting to try and challenge myself with since I don’t often go out of my way to brew up Japanese green teas (outside of matcha/hojicha) since I know I struggle with them. And, to be fair, there were elements of this I enjoyed. Namely, I thought the really unctious and buttery mouthfeel was quite pleasant even if I didn’t jive with the tasting notes. The nuttiness at the front end of the sip was okay, but it just finished so aggressively oceanic with really kelp/nori like notes that I couldn’t get passed.

I pushed myself to do four infusions and give this one a real honest shake, but I couldn’t do more than that. Honestly, it’s nothing negative about the tea itself. Sometimes certain flavours just aren’t for you, and that is not a reflection on the quality of the tea in any way. When I saw this in the morning I knew that’d likely be the case, but you never know 100% until you give it a go.

Today’s Advent Photos:

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