The floral aroma of lilies is immediately noticeable from the first brew through to a 5th or even 6th brewing. The lily aroma is natural to this oolong. The tea brews up a beautiful golden color. Hence the name, Golden Lily. This is considered one of the best in the world.
This high quality tea combined with the pure air and water in the Thai highlands results in a beautiful tea. We use only the top bud and harvest only the first two leaves from each bud. We use a 20% – 30% fermentation which results in a beautiful golden, highly aromatic tea with a slightly sweet floral taste, often called Golden Aroma tea.
Country of Origin: Thailand
Region: Chiang Rai Highlands
Harvest: Spring
Production Notes: 25% – 30% Fermentation (almost green), Grown in Thailand from a Formosan cultivar.
Tasting Notes: This is a very easy to like oolong. The floral fragrance is instantly noticeable in the aroma but modestly present on the palate. The dominate flavor is milkiness for which the tea is well known, a very smooth silky mouth that lingers for a long time. Just a hint of grass in the after-notes. This is a strong candidate for your “go-to” oolong. Good for at least three steepings.
Caffeine: Yes
Oolong tea quantity: ½ tsp – 1 tsp. per 8 oz. cup (can be reused more than 3 times)
Brewing time: 3-8 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea
Water temperature: About 170 F (75 C) (Just barely starting to boil)