Hojicha Hanamitsu

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Hojicha
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Francois Mathieu
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From Hōjicha Co.

Hojicha Hanamitsu has a reddish nectar liquor and a toasty aroma reminiscent of a summer bonfire. The warm sunset color of the roasted sencha tea is perfectly complemented by its nutty and smoky taste.


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2 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

Can’t believe I haven’t written a note for this one yet!

I got a teaware order in today so I steeped this using some of the newly received pieces. I’m not sure how I feel about the order; two things in it arrived badly damaged and one of them is drastically different that the advertised capacity of what I purchased. However, some of the pieces, like this teacup, are even more stunning in person. There’s one cup that’s different from the advertised photo but I actually like the design and finish on what I received even better…

The tea was nice though. Hojicha is always nice. I did oversteep the mug, but that just makes it feel even more roasty and toasty. Kind of a blunt way, I suppose, where I taste less of the distinct nutty notes or even the “summer campfire smoke” that’s described on the packaging. That said, the rich body of the tea and the coating profile with its malty grain notes is still so lovely…

Tea Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5i-hJOlqS/ (1st Pic)

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDoqxTtE958


I really want to try their hojicha’s. Especially want to try the powders to try as a latte.

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