Orange Cream Lapacho

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Bark, Cream, Dirt, Orange, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Sil
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m a little excited now…I just meant to get the teas out on the table for tomorrow’s packing up swap stuff..and uh 2 hours later all my packages are bundles up and just need addresses before...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Indigobloom for passing along a sample of this one yesterday! Also, sipdown! I’ve had a lapacho orange (without vanilla) before, and don’t recall being terribly enamoured with it, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “I figured this would be another great mason jar tea so I steeped a huge batch of it up, and then to coax additional flavour from it, I let it sit for 10 minutes. That might have been a mistake. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love this tisane!! Hot, it’s a cup of soothing creamy orange yummy. A little rough on my throat for an herbal, but then it IS lapacho and I figure there is no way around that. Cooled down to...” Read full tasting note

From Herbal Infusions

Lapcho, orange peel, orange slices, flavouring

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14 Tasting Notes

15555 tasting notes

I’m a little excited now…I just meant to get the teas out on the table for tomorrow’s packing up swap stuff..and uh 2 hours later all my packages are bundles up and just need addresses before they’re ready to go out! It also means that i’m now in a great place to have a bunch of sipdowns tomorrow bwahahaha! which is good since i added 3 teas to my cupboard tonight.

I brewed this one up and sadly, forgot about it for an hour…DO NOT DO THAT! it makes it taste not as good. lol I really wanted cacao..but i only have enough for a small cup and that’s being saved for tomorrow…


When I get in my fresh infusion of Cacao I can send a bit more. :)


haha i need to just place an order…but i’m trying SOOOOO hard to hold off on orders until after terri’s box gets here. lol


Sil, do they still have their shop in Toronto? Ordering from them is so horrible that I am planning to just go to the store when I move home and buy my Strawberry Justice there. However, I am not entirely sure their store still exists.


Haha sil…don’t be so confident about those numbers dropping…;). Just wait and see.


I don’t think their store still exists, VariaTEA. Also: It’s pretty bad that people are putting off buying from them because ordering is horrible. :/


I’ve only ordered from them once. Would you all say that customer service has been consistently bad or has gotten even worse over time?


Key change…..bah! Lol it will go down! Even if it’s only for. A week!

VariaTEA – their retail location closed, after my 3 attempts to actually get to tHe store and have it be open. Every time I went it was closed, even though it was during their opening hours… For random reasons.


Apparently they hired help or something a few weeks ago, so maybe service has gotten better? I’ve ordered twice with them. The first was Black Friday and it took at least 2 weeks for my order to ship. The second order was in January, I think, and it took about a week for it to ship. There’s not much communication from them…


I called and emailed them multiple times and still have heard absolutely nothing back. First because I got an order and it didn’t have the Banana berry rooibos I ordered. Then I contacted them to ask if they wanted me to return the duplicates of the Cyber Monday teas they sent. Then, in my most recent order, I got ahold of them by email and they were supposed to add a sample of Graham Slam to my order which they didn’t (and I still don’t know if they charged me for it or not because of my credit card issue last month).

Terri HarpLady

I still haven’t had a chance to try this one…


VariaTEA – awful… :)
Terri – Sounds like a free sipdown for meeee! ;)

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Indigobloom for passing along a sample of this one yesterday! Also, sipdown!

I’ve had a lapacho orange (without vanilla) before, and don’t recall being terribly enamoured with it, but after giving her pouch of this a sniff, I felt it was necessary to try this. The orange flavour here is quite strong, and combined with a lovely creamy aroma (vanilla), which came off as almost a yogurt-type smell when I poured the leaf into my infuser.

Flavourwise, this is actually rather good. Very orangey, in kind of a cross between orange pop and fresh orange sort of way (but thankfully not orange peel!), which is tempered by a creaminess. (I really seem to like citrus cream teas, though I don’t much care for citrus in tea by itself despite loving lemons/limes!) The lapacho isn’t even really causing “scratchy throat syndrome” too much (maybe a little), which it usually does for me.

I don’t think this would be a tea I’m too likely to purchase for myself, only because I’m wary of lapacho for a few reasons, and don’t like that it makes my throat feel scratchy, but the flavouring is pretty great here. If the base was honeybush or something, and the tea tasted the same, I’d probably knock my rating up to about 90, but given that it’s not a tea base I favour, it does lose a few points. I’m curious, however, how this one would be iced and/or made with milk and frozen into popsicles… (it tastes like a creamsicle, and how awesome would it be to have healthier creamsicles…)

ETA: Re-steep in half the water still has flavour, but I’m not in love with it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Hehe funny thing is… I believe Dan does custom blends :P


I may need to pull this out of my box tonight…i love me some orange flavoured things and i don’t mind lapacho


Also if you’re worried about smells, this would be one to drink. It’s potent! I kept it apart from my other teas (I separated all the swaps from you guys into unflavoured, flavoured, and contaminating, haha).

Indigobloom – something to keep in mind!


Kittenna – Yeah i’m doing that tonight… right now it’s two boxes: smelly and not so smelly. I need to get all organized tonight


I really love the combo of orange and lapacho. but I think it’d go well with honeybush as well. Another thing to go on the spreadsheet :P

Terri HarpLady

So, the Lapacho in this is Pao D’Arco, correct?


IB does that mean you’re getting rid of yours or you meant rebuy on the spreadsheet?


oh sorry! I meant the private blend from Herbal Infusions, same flavouring but with a honeybush base maybe?


aaaah i love the existing blend. No need for custom blend here! to the point where i am actually contemplating picking up more…soon…like i need more tea. lol


Terri – I actually have no idea! Google time…


Yes, that would be right. Do you have info that might interest me/us? I’m curious :)


Kittenna/Terri: All I know is, it’s tree bark… and it’s good for treating asthma :)
Sil: yep this base is amazing for me! but… I also don’t make it the traditional lapacho way. steeping in boiling water for 15 min!


I know it’s not good during pregnancy, and I think it’s in the legume family. I just make it my usual herbal way, i.e. boiling, 5+ mins.

Terri HarpLady

Here’s what (little) I know (LOL):
Lapacho is also known as Pau d’arco, or Taheebo. It’s a south american tree, & you use the bark for tea. It’s main action is strengthening the immune system, but some people have used it as a cure for cancer, fungal infections, etc.
When using it therapeutically, as in drinking it daily, you have to take a break every couple of weeks, because it does contain some toxins that can build up in your system. The herbalist I know recommends alternating between Lapacho, Echinacea, & Astragulus…It’s been awhile, but I think it was 2 weeks on each one. Since they have different toxins, that keeps you from having any side effects, & since their action on your immune system is slightly different, you’re strengthening your body in different ways. I have some Lapacho here, it’s horrible, LOL :) I haven’t drank it in awhile.


Thanks for the info! Luckily I rarely drink it, so I should be good :D I have not tried it plain, just in a few blends, of which this one is by far the tastiest (but as I said, I would be happier with a honeybush base, haha).


I’ve tried the plain version, from Tea Emporium. It was decent! but then I love pu-erh and they have similar profiles in some ways.
Thanks for the info Terri! I have a friend that drinks Lapacho for her asthma and I don’t think she knows about the side effects or rotation option.

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1598 tasting notes

I figured this would be another great mason jar tea so I steeped a huge batch of it up, and then to coax additional flavour from it, I let it sit for 10 minutes.

That might have been a mistake. I can really taste bark, and then a bit of orange, and then just a little cream. Huh. So I added a bit of milk and that toned the bark down and upped the cream, but this still isn’t as good as it smells. GUYS – this smells amazing. But the smell is just a trick.


Damn, I haven’t tried mine yet. I was hoping this would be an über winner.

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1764 tasting notes

I love this tisane!!
Hot, it’s a cup of soothing creamy orange yummy. A little rough on my throat for an herbal, but then it IS lapacho and I figure there is no way around that.
Cooled down to room temp, it looses most of it’s punch. Maybe next time I’ll add a dash of sugar and see if that holds better, because I was so looking forward to having this iced over the summer, or as a popsicle.
So here is my rating…. Hot: 85, Cooled: 65 Overall: 75

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652 tasting notes

Another sample from Cavocorax!

I tried this last night at like 11:30, obviously needed something caffeine free.

The smell was a bit off putting, because it smelled like some kind of orange flavoured cough syrup I remember from when I was a kid. I have to wonder if orange flavoured cough syrup even exists anymore!

The taste was pretty good, though not super creamy, just orangey.
But something about the tea made my throat scratch, not a sensation I’m used to because I have no food allergies, so it was unpleasant enough to make me dump the cup. I will have to give the rest to my friend to try.

Thanks for the sample, Cavo!


Yeah, Lapacho isn’t for me either!

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3294 tasting notes

This tea smells amazing!
It doesn’t taste as good as it smells, & it burns my throat a little, although I’m not sure why. I’ve drank Lapacho (pao d’arco, taheebo) from time to time, & have a powdered version of it from the local herbalist shop (Chery’s Herbs). Cheryl recommended it to me to improve my immune system to help with allergies, & if I used it like she suggested, it would probably help. But I tend to forget. It is somewhat bitter, but has never burned my throat,
so I’m inclined to think the the burning throat problem is from the ‘flavoring’ in the tea.

Thanks to my Steep Sister, Sil for sending the sample. It smells so awesome that I could sit around huffing the bag it came in until bedtime.
Sipdown! That’s 4 sipdowns today, plus I realized one of the teas on my list is no longer in my cupboard, so I’m down to 384, just like that!

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16916 tasting notes

SSTTB: Pick #4

I definitely have an interest in trying some of the HI blends in the box (I’ve tried some already too) and this one seemed like a nice starting point so I decided to cold brew it. I’ve never had anything with Lapacho in it so I totally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to try something with it – and trying DT’s Orange Blossom blend recently has put me in the mood for “Creamsicle” type things so this was an easy sell.

My cold brew used up the last of what was in the box; hopefully no one else was dying to try this one out. Dry it smelled insanely fresh and juicy. I just pictured fat, plump oranges bursting from all the juice. Like when you fill a balloon so much it pops; but squishy, and with fruit…

However, this doesn’t taste quite like you’d expect given the smell. I mean, it is orange-y and there’s totally a vanilla cream quality and together that does equal “Creamsicle” but it’s not as strong as the smell would seem to promise, and there’s that third element; the Lapacho. It tastes like trees and nature – but in a bad way. I suppose the trees/nature thing makes total sense: Lapacho is basically bark, and I could see it rounding out the orange/cream and adding a fuller flavour if it wasn’t so strong tasting. Like this it’s just unpleasant. It tastes like the “bad kind” of health drinks.

Yeah, not a fan. I feel let down by this one. But at least now I know that Lapacho probably isn’t for me. That’s something I’ve now learned because of the box.

Flavors: Bark, Cream, Dirt, Orange, Vanilla


It smells like it should be awesome and amazin eh? It didn’t work for me either but I was hoping someone would love it. Or at least they would mark it off their shopping lists!

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6444 tasting notes


So I usually pass when it comes to citrus teas but this smelled so amazing I just had to give it a taste. Seriously, this smells just like a tasty orange creamsicle. Yum!

Tastewise, the creamsicle flavor is present but muted and the sip ends on a weird flavor that I just can’t put my finger on. It is almost a dry, earthiness that really takes away from the taste. With that said, I am enjoying this more than I thought I would, though I don’t think it is something I need to have around all the time.

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1792 tasting notes

Sip down. Ech, I’m kind of glad, too. These last couple cups were rather dicey. I got the exact same scratchy feeling in the throat that others have mentioned.

I think the main reason why my first cup was pretty good was because it contained more orange slices in it (first cup = two slices, second = one, third = none). I think that gave this more oomph, and the orange was more harmonious with the creamy vanilla. Without the orange slice, this is a muted orange creamsicle with scratchy, peppery lapacho.

So that said, no reordering for me. If only this orange creamsicle were combined with a different, delicate base, it would be a winner.


I’ve recommended this in the past, and maybe you already saw this recommendation, but the best orange creamsicle tea I’ve ever come across comes from Tumblewood Teas. A tiny, hardly known tea shop with an amazing orange creamsicle tea :)


Thanks for the recommendation. It looks great, but I see they don’t ship outside of the States. But it’s all good!


oh darn it, I forgot about that. I don’t currently have any on hand to share (just a small bit that I am hoarding) but if I get more, I can send you some :)


hmmm…. goes off to look


Cowboy Creamsicle?


Yeah, that looks like the one. And thanks for the offer, Shelley!

FWIW, the best orange creamsicle tea I’ve had so far comes from a local-esque store (Janet’s Special Teas), called Dolce Orange. I’ll need to get more since I only had a sample and it was really good. :)




YOU KNOW IT, YO. I’ll need to bus up there and kick some Sidney ass. :D

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1395 tasting notes

This one came in my Herbal Infusions order today.

The scent is pretty awesome. Warm creamiscle. I have to say the taste is more orange than cream. My package of this specially says “Orange Lapacho/Vanilla”, but I don’t get vanilla.

On the upside, this lapacho type of tea is great! When I saw a comparison to rooibos/honeybush I was slightly concerned but there’s no bizarre medicinal taste here.


Ooh, I’ve never heard of lapacho, but I have the same issue with the medicinal quality of rooibos, so I should try it out!


i vaguely recall there being some sort of “don’t drink too much of this” thing regarding lapacho… but it’s totally worth it to me for the delicious orange cream taste… now to find a truly orange and cream sort of tea…since the vanilla seems to have poofed from this one


Haha yes. I started Googling it last night and found that out for myself.


Did you check out the link I sent? It has vanilla!


yes i did! you’re trying to make me buy tea! I think you might be a woozle…



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