2015 Hai Lang Hao “Mi Jing Village” Mang Zhi Old Arbor Raw
In Hai Lang’s own words:
This year’s Mi Jing Village (Mang Zhi Mountain area of Yi Wu) has a strong resemblance to our Cha Wang 2 tea cake released in 2011. We have been asked about the Cha Wang 2’s successor by customers for several years. It took me 4 years of tirelessly searching to find a tea that I felt was good enough in the same important ways to take it’s (Cha Wang 2) place. In the end I decided not to call it Cha Wang 3 simply because I had been just too attached to Cha Wang and Cha Wang 2 to simply name a successor. I also wanted to bring attention to Mi Jing Village old tea trees.
The tea itself is strong and sweet, but counters with a bitter undercurrent that brings balance. The thickness of the tea is excellent and will improve with age. Cha Qi is even and noticeable. Aroma is pleasant and “high”.