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Black Tea
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Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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  • “travelling tea box A! and in other news – this is the 975th different tea that i’ve had (to pull a shmiracles), if steepster is to be believed. **also in other news i totally lost my train of...” Read full tasting note
  • “The TTBA is here!! I just met up with Sil. Apparently we have the same sunglasses. Tea twins? ;) Anyhow. I plan to be SO hyped on caffiene by the time today is over. It’s gonna be a good day! But...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is supposed to be buttered rum flavoured? LOLWUT!? It doesn’t smell like buttered rum – more like a slightly fruity/vanilla scented tea and it doesn’t really taste like anything except...” Read full tasting note

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3 Tasting Notes

15555 tasting notes

travelling tea box A!

and in other news – this is the 975th different tea that i’ve had (to pull a shmiracles), if steepster is to be believed.

**also in other news i totally lost my train of thought because someone’s facebook status made me laugh a lot. You know how there are words out there that people clearly don’t know what they are…how to spell them etc.. and you kind of shake your head and go with it? Well i never though i’d see the day that obstacles (a fairly “easy” word) was spelled wrong. Oppsticals. And yes..sometimes people have learning disorders and crap..not mocking the world but this was clearly from one of my friends who doesn’t know the word is obstacles, rather than her being unable to spell it properly. like my friend who thought it was “for all intensive purposes” instead of “intents and purposes” that sort of thing.

….holy tangent batman. So anyway…this tea? reminds me of i think? it’s palais de the’s toffee tea. I think? there’s something i’ve had that reminds me of this. The tea is not really buttered rum, and it’s a bit on the astringent side. it might fare better with a little cream or something but i prefer teas that i can drink straight.


Not sure what it is about this community, everyone here has good writing skills. As an ex-English teacher, this gives me great hope that writing is not a dying art.


oh god i hope not. u no its herd to rite gud. ;)


Sil. I laughed out loud. I am an ESL kid but I’m happy to say I keep up with the best of them!


I love when I find things like that. Seems to happen a lot with phrases that people hear but have never seen written down and especially when they don’t understand what the words themselves mean.


Glad you laughed! I mean no disrespect to folks who do suffer from learning disabilities as I can’t even imagine having to cope with that sort of thing in life. My friend suffers no such thing though, so i’m allowed to make fun of her just a little. Reminds me of those times when someone sings a song out loud and you’re like uh, those aren’t the words…. haha


Nicole – so true! but the word obstacles totally floored me. it seems like one of those words i use every other day haha


Haha! Every form of variation language is a legitimate form of expression. The key is to get others to understand you and your intent. Maybe your was trying to express herself creatively. :)

Terri HarpLady

Speaking of Rum, International Talk Like a Pirate Day is right around the corner!!!!! We need to recruit a bunch of people to be pirates for the day, reviewing teas in character! And come up with an appropriate collection of teas…like anything with “Rum” in the name, Black Dragon Pearl, Hmmmm….what else?


fine, fine…i konseede! see what i did there :P


Terri – that day also happens to be my 4 year anniversary with smelly over here ;) he picked the day haha i told him when we get married…we are NOT doing it on the same day!

Terri HarpLady

I know, you told me! LOL!


that would be an AWESOME wedding. :)



unless you’re going to bake for it nicole!


..and terri can sing and play pirate themed harp music!

Terri HarpLady

If you get married on Int. Talk Like a Pirate Day, I will come to your wedding. We’ll have to find someone locally that has a Harp to rent to me, & you’d better plan it a year in advance, cuz Sept is one of those months that books up early. But I’ll do it! I’ll dress up like a pirate wench, & play music from all the Pirates of the Caribean movies, & sing “yo ho yo ho, a Pirates life for me!”. I think you should do it, & totally carry out the pirate theme to the max!


Arrrr, me mateys. Does rum in my maple “Hong Kong” style iced tea count?


Lol I love you guys!

Terri HarpLady

OMGsrsly, hell yeah!
This really is the best community ever! :)


Don’t know how I missed this continuing discussion. :) I would soooo come to Canada to bake for a pirate wedding! A treasure chest wedding cake with golden coin cookies or mints, tea based grog… oh, yes, I can see it. :)

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1764 tasting notes

The TTBA is here!! I just met up with Sil. Apparently we have the same sunglasses. Tea twins? ;)
Anyhow. I plan to be SO hyped on caffiene by the time today is over. It’s gonna be a good day!
But this tea? It isn’t buttered anything! In my travel mug so its piping hot at the moment… I’m hoping some semblance of flavour emerges as it cools down.
Ok it’s been a few minutes.
I can kind sorta maybe but not really see where they get “buttered” from. Except it’s more like “vanilla that moonlights as buttered”.
The base is kindof thin. or maybe it’s the flavouring. or both. Hmmm.
I find that ceylon is sometimes a tricky base, and that is what I suspect this is.
I’m sure if I had enough time to play around with steeping parameters, I could come up with something that’d be tasty. A latte perhaps?
Well, it’s been an interesting tea box debut. On to the next one :)

Note: I just discovered that if I aerate the sip between my teeth (because it’s still HOT!), I actually do get something rum like! Well, I’ll be.

Terri HarpLady

You girls should have took a pic!


Next time! she didn’t have hers around at the moment

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1908 tasting notes

This is supposed to be buttered rum flavoured? LOLWUT!? It doesn’t smell like buttered rum – more like a slightly fruity/vanilla scented tea and it doesn’t really taste like anything except regular tea. Epic!Fail guys.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

Lame! At least the DavidsTea version smells quite like a buttery, delicious rummy treat :D


Yes, I was quite disapointed as the Granville Island Tea Co’s blends are usually quite good.

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