Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
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Floral, Perfume, Rose
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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47 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you very much to Ricky for sending me a sample of this. I was quiet overwhelmed by the aroma of the dry leaves. They really smelt like a rose bush. It didn’t smell overly synthetic at...” Read full tasting note
  • “I can’t help but compare this tea to the Rose Congou I had this morning. The smell of the leaf is SO much better (not that that would be hard, mind). While the other smelled sour and a little...” Read full tasting note
  • “Way too crazy a day today. Just enough time for one mid-afternoon steep, so I chose something floral and relaxing to try and carve out a little niche of calm. When I opened up the packet, I was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you for sharing this with me… Azzrian? I try, but I am terrible at keeping my sample piles separate. Not enough room and somehow they get all mixed up! ack! Anyhow, this was a lovely tea....” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

Intoxicating and rich, our Rose Tea is a beautiful black loose leaf tea sprinkled with rose petals. It delivers to you an exotic floral scent and a light, florid taste that is divine hot or iced!

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

47 Tasting Notes

259 tasting notes

Thank you very much to Ricky for sending me a sample of this. I was quiet overwhelmed by the aroma of the dry leaves. They really smelt like a rose bush. It didn’t smell overly synthetic at all.

And it tastes like a rose—just like a rose. I like strong flavors and I like it when teas defy expectations. No daintiness at all here: it’s really like a rose. The tea gets lost amidst the rose.

I had a bunch of conflicting contradictory thoughts. I wanted more tea in my roses. Yet this tea was heavily evocative. I could imagine it being drunk by the Pre-Raphaelite painters. I could imagine it being on foot lotion or in perfume, as others have noted.

Most of all it made me really miss my mother. It’s one of those times when I really wish I could call her up and say “You wouldn’t believe what I just drank!” And she’d get excited. And we would have a long talk ranging from roses to beverages to a special bush that somebody planted in 1904.

So it is certainly an old-fashioned experience for me although I imagine that the ability to infuse tea with such exceptional flavor must be a newish technique.

I have no idea if I will wake up in a few days or a few weeks or a few months and NEED to buy a full container of this or if it will waft away into oblivion like yesterday’s perfume. I’m certainly glad I tried it but I wonder if it isn’t simply a novel-Tea.

5 min, 0 sec

I thought I was the only one who woke up and decided that I NEEDED to buy some tea that I previous said “meh” about. :)


Scent is a powerful thing. Flex shampoo reminds me of my mother. Or how I remember my mom when I was little. Flex shampoo has been discontinued for years, I think.


Yes, scent is very powerful. My mother used to love Tea Rose and sprayed it on her clothes—even though it was not a costly scent. Tea, which involves scent and taste, sometimes gets to me in unexpected ways. I love smoky teas right now but started out scorning them a bit. Something snapped and now I must begin every day with one. This rose tea might disappear from my consciousness or it might start screaming “Buy me, buy me!”


Chanel no. 5 will always remind me of my mom. It was her favorite.

I like rose teas, but they are pretty powerful. A little dab will do me for a while. I could see keeping a very small amount around for when the time is ripe but I could never drink it every day.


Rose teas are one of my must have teas. Good on their own or spiced with milk added like a chai. It’s also a great tea to drink when you’re having chocolates or something with chocolate in it.


Isn’t it great that I don’t have to associate Rose with lotion or body spray or mothers =]. When I smell rose I think of a bouquet of flowers ;)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I suspect rose tea is something I’ll rather like but don’t think that I will like it all. Similar to jasmine tea.

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911 tasting notes

I can’t help but compare this tea to the Rose Congou I had this morning. The smell of the leaf is SO much better (not that that would be hard, mind). While the other smelled sour and a little floral, this smells like roses. Actual roses plus maybe a tiny little hint of candy. The dry leaf battle totally goes to this one.

Wow, as this flowed out of my handy dandy ingenuiTEA, I’m hit with a soft wall of rose scent. It actually reminded me a bit of Teavana’s now discontinued Rose Marzipan. But, you know, without the marzipan. But now that the tea is fully dispensed into my Totoro mug, it’s muted a bit. I can smell the rose, but I can also totally smell the tea. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled the tea when we are talking about a flavored tea. It’s always hiding underneath the flavoring. But not this one! This makes me happy.

No sugar for this (though I do have some in my desk, just in case). Oooh, don’t need sugar though. This is nice. Smooth and sweet. Very rose-y, but not like I swallowed a flower bush. I seem to get it more of a distinct rose on the exhale after the sip. Otherwise is it a sweet, fluffy tasting tea. As it cools, I seem to get more tea flavor out of it.

This isn’t an overly deep tea taste-wise but it does have more… roundness (for want of a better word) than the Rose Congou this morning. This is better than the rose/floral aspect of Rose Marzipan, too. I think the roundness of flavor is coming from the tea base (Ceylon, it seems like?) and it increases as it cools. My last sip had a little edge of something that was delicious and I want more of but I’m afraid I’m too impatient to let it cool enough to get that.

This tea makes me feel like I’m strolling through my grandmother’s rose garden. She used to have rows and rows of bushes. Strangers would pull off the highway to compliment her. It was fairly impressive. And this tea makes me mentally wander down one of the rows. It’s not so overpowering that I feel like I’m stopping to stick my nose in the closest rose bush, just wandering through the nicely spaced rows, enjoying the scent of rose lingering in the air.

This isn’t a tea I’m going to reach for daily because ultimately, I find roses (both tea-wise and flower-wise) a bit too perfume-y and sweet (even (or especially?) when the flavoring tastes as natural as this) for daily contact. But this is a lovely make-me-mellow type tea. Again, mental rose garden.

So the rose tea battle goes to Golden Moon. I will still try the Rose Congou sugar-less some time in the future (this weekend maybe?) but I have a feeling it won’t be able to compete.

ETA: Did a second steep just because I can. Initially had the timer set for 4:30 but the tea looked a little light so I added a minute. It’s still a light (but pretty) bronze color. Still smells lovely but is more similar in scent to the Rose Congou this morning. Tastes a little more like it, too, since it isn’t quite as smooth. Much thinner too. In fact, this is a (still) smoother version of this morning’s tea but without sugar.

In other words, Golden Moon’s SECOND STEEP is equivalent (and actually a hair better) than a similar tea’s FIRST steep. Go Golden Moon. That being said, this tea is probably not the best one for a second steep.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

When I started drinking hot tea I never thought I’d drink rose tea. Now I love it:)


My wallet is making sad faces at you and Auggy for all of these GM reviews.. I have bookmarked the sampler..


Instead of bookmarking, you should BUY it! Muahahahaha! :D


+1 for purchasing it. I actually have 3 boxes of GM samplers =X. Two of which I’m giving away as gifts, of course.


Aw, Ricky! You got me a Christmas gift! That was so nice but I’ve already got this sampler! Okay, okay. I’ll take it but only because you insist.


Hey, the other one must be for me! Why thank you, Ricky!


LOL, yes it’s for you two. We could use it to float Auggy’s boat and a whale while we’re at it. I’ll even purchase some licorice on the side for you, cause I know how much you love them ;)

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237 tasting notes

Way too crazy a day today. Just enough time for one mid-afternoon steep, so I chose something floral and relaxing to try and carve out a little niche of calm. When I opened up the packet, I was hit immediately by the very strong rose aroma – I think there’s a fair bit of rose aroma added to what the petals included in the mix would normally provide. The smell moved into the realm that was getting close to air freshener territory, no longer so natural.

The tea brews up nice and dark, and fortunately the scent tones down the chemical overtones I got from the unsteeped leaf. The black tea it’s based on is unremarkable; so far this is just okay, so let’s see what happens when milk and sugar are added.

Hmm, I think that may have been a mistake. I’m losing the bulk of the rose flavor now – probably would have been better to steep it another minute or so if I was planning on using milk and sugar. The flavors have slunk into the background and aren’t doing such a good job of mixing with the cream; in particular, the combination of rose and cream are making it taste a little curdled. I checked the cream on its own and it seems to be okay, so I guess it’s some kind of interaction between the two. Not my favorite, but I won’t put the rating all the way down as it’s still okay on its own.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Aww, sorry you didn’t like it :-(


When I put milk in this one I thought it tasted like Rose Milk Lotion from the 1970s!!


Eww..lotion-y tea! How strange that milk curdles in this. Maybe there’s some citrus added to the flavoring?


Excellent analogy, though thinking of drinking lotion makes me want to lower the score even more…


It didn’t actually curdle the milk, it just gave the drink an overall curdley flavor – not so nice.


I gave it a “2” !! But, I think that if I steeped it at, say, three minutes and then didn’t add anything to it, it would have been higher.


Dang, I actually enjoyed this one. I’m sorry you didn’t!


That’s okay, I’ve still got dozens left in my Golden Moon sampler and I’m sure a new favorite will come along soon!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Any plans on which you will be tasting next?


Not yet – I had grand plans at first to methodically go through the whites, greens, oolongs, and blacks, but now I think I’ll just see what mood I’m in at the moment and go with that.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

LOL that is exactly what I am doing. Funny how we both felt like Rose Tea today. :o) Wonder what may happen tomorrow.

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1764 tasting notes

Thank you for sharing this with me… Azzrian?
I try, but I am terrible at keeping my sample piles separate. Not enough room and somehow they get all mixed up! ack!
Anyhow, this was a lovely tea. Similar to a rose congou, but the base is a bit different. Not as harsh I’d say. In fact, I found it rather smooth. and very rosy. More than I was expecting.
This I think, is the most memorable rose tea I’ve tried.
There are so many rose teas in my tasting history by now that they are more or less all the same. If I did a side by side comparison, I’m sure I could find differences but they are pretty miniscule.
I’d like to see a variation of a rose tea one day. Chocolate rose maybe? oooh, perhaps this is a mixing opp! :P
Rating: 86


I used to have a chocolate rose tea, but it wasn’t a strong rose flavor … the rose was more for appearance than for a strong flavor presence… HOWEVER… around valentines day, Culinary Teas has an AWESOME chocolate rose tea… it’s really really good… definitely keep your eye out for that one.


OMG that sounds amazing!! thanks for letting me know. I will keep my eye out for that, I neeeed it! you are so thoughtful to tell me xx


Doesn’t Harney and Sins have a chocolate rose tea called Valentine’s Blend? I love their Rose Scented Black. I think I tried mixing it with their Chocolate. I need to try it again!


do they? Harney is a little expensive for me so I haven’t indulged with a purchase! must get on this…

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2037 tasting notes

Golden Moon sample No. 27 of 31. Only five teas left to sample. It will be bittersweet to reach the end, but it’s not like I don’t have a ridiculous number of other samples to try, both singles and sets. And next in this group is finally the Kashmiri Chai, which I definitely have to try today. I’ve been waiting for it for a while, and seeing it sitting there next in the stack is just too much for me.

But this isn’t about chai, this is about Rose Tea. I’ve had rose petals in a lot of teas, but their function seems mostly to be decorative. The only other tea I’ve had that really bills itself as a rose tea is the Numi Velvet Garden White Rose. I haven’t had it in a while, but I recall liking it. It doesn’t really seem a proper comparative vehicle here, though, as the GM Rose is a black tea, not a white.

Rose Tea smells utterly divine. I adore rose fragrance, the fresher the better. This smells very fresh. Like burying your nose in a bouquet of long-stemmed roses. The petals are a lovely purplish-reddish-pink and give the illusion of fresh softness. (If you actually pick one up in your fingers, you’ll find it to be dry and crisp.) The black tea adds a slight muskiness to the scent, but for the most part it is rose, rose and more rose.

The smell of the tea base is more prevalent in the aroma of the steeped tea. It has a sweet smell, suggesting sugar or honey, similar to the aromas in others of the GM black teas. The flavor is lovely. The rose predominates, but it is much gentler in the flavor here than it is in the Numi white. I’m not sure if that’s because the black base has more innate strong flavor than the white or for some other reason.

I don’t get any bath products in the flavor; nothing soapy or lotiony, or even perfumy. There’s a quaint nutty aftertaste that is unexpected and helps to banish all resemblance to bath products.

I like this a lot. It’s not something I could see drinking every day, but it’s something I would keep in my cupboard for when it’s the right taste for the right time.

With this in my cupboard, I could let the Numi go as a representative rose flavor without regret.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

That did it – it’s going onto my shopping list!

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158 tasting notes

To me, the very idea of a rose tea is slightly strange, and yet I really don’t have any good reasons for why that should be so. I don’t eat rose petals, therefore I shouldn’t be drinking them in liquid form, perhaps? Even that reason doesn’t hold up, ultimately; some of my favorite black teas are my favorites because they remind me of hay in a hot barn. It isn’t as though I’ve ever sat down to have a big heaping helping of alfalfa.

Anyway, the scent is delightfully, definitely ‘rose’. That does not change over the course of the brewing. It still struck me as strange. Like…sipping on potpourri or those little sachets of dried roses that mothers and grandmothers seem to like tucking away in various drawers of clothing, irrevoccably tying the scent of dried rose petals to the little private and forgotten places within spaces belonging to the older women in my life. (And this is not wholly true; I think my mother has preferred lavender and cedar over time, but I smell the aroma of roses emanating from this cup and my memory still jingles to the tune of sachets and drawers).

I suppose I had forgotten about Turkish delight. One sip and I remember; that beautiful pink jelly that I seem to only ever eat dressed in chocolate, wrapped in shiny pink wrappers and made by Fry’s (though I can’t for the life of me remember ever eating anything else made by that company). The quality of the rose flavor is approximate, occasionally providing a flash of something sweet on the parting of the sip. I have a very minor astringency in the back of my throat, but it’s pretty mild.

Definitely not a tea that I see myself craving, but I wouldn’t send it back to the kitchen, either. If rose tickles your fancy or you happen to be a rabid fan of Turkish delight, I suppose this might be right up your alley.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I actually have done a lot of cooking with rose water, I love the flavor it can add…. :) Might like this tea too!

Robert Godden

I like to use rosewater all the time, it’s a real favourite. I also like to pick rose petals and float them in this tea when I serve it. Also, you can wash the petals, roll them about in icing sugar, dry in the oven, cool and then attach one petal to the top of a shortbread biscuit with a dab of icing. I make that for high teas.


Ah, second reference to Turkish delight in one day. I had never heard of it before, so I wikipedia’d it as well. I don’t know where I’m supposed to get some to try…

Robert Godden

Any greek, turkish or middle eastern deli should have it. Most supermatket delis have it here (Australia)


…my mum used lavender.
I wrote a review of Harrod’s rose tea. Maybe you want to check that out and compare it with what your impressions were…I felt quite strange in the beginning too…but, oh boy…once you drink it…!!!


@wombatgirl: I’m guessing this is perfect for you, then. Cooking with rose tea isn’t something I’d considered.

@Robert: That sounds absolutely gorgeous! If wombatgirl’s comment hadn’t made me curious about using this stuff for cooking, this certainly would’ve done the trick.

@Shanti: Strangely, I think the first place that I ever recall hearing about Turkish delight was…in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. It’s what the queen feeds the one brother to bribe him over to the dark side, and now I suppose I can see why it worked.

@Keemun: I really enjoy Turkish delight, so I suspect the strangeness is really a mental bias more than anything. I did finish my cup! I read your review and laughed a little…I tried to avoid using the phrase ‘grandma tea’ in mine, but that’s definitely part of the block, I think…liquid-grandmother-memory, so strange! I’d be curious to try Harrod’s, it sounds more subtle and maybe more to my tastes? Then again, I’d probably be curious to try this one iced, too.

…with a pastry topped off with a blip of icing and a sugar-dusted rose petal!

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431 tasting notes

Wow this tea was an amazing scentual experience from the time I opened the sample packaging. At first when black it was a little lacking I would have to say thin. It needed more body so I decided to add milk and sugar and on my first sip it was still just okay. Then on my next sip a little better, then again and again I drank this tea and it truly grew on me almost immediately. Fantastic, it reminds me of “Rose Milk” a drink I used to drink as a child. Such wonderful memories came to mind and I was almost immediately wisked away to India. Beautiful indeed. I do wish the rose was just a little stronger. I will drink this again. :o)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Just goes to show you, different strokes for different folks. I logged this one today too and really didn’t enjoy it much, but glad you did -

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I saw your post and I was concerned based on your experience especially since I had such high hopes for this one. I am glad I enjoyed this but sorry you didn’t. As you said “different strokes for different folks.” Still a bummer.


Yeah, interesting — I never tried it with additives but I liked it quite a bit plain. Though I steeped mine for only 3 minutes.


First a Rose Milk lotion and now a Rose Milk drink? This actually sounds yummy! I must look this up.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Rose milk is made of milk and a rose flavored syrup usually found in Indian grocery stores. It is sort of like a bottle of syrup used to flavor coffees, lattes, and such. It is very delicious and for sure the tea is much healthier.

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176 tasting notes

I have no opinion at all on rose teas. I’ve never had anything that has tasted of roses, so I don’t know what to expect from the mug that is steaming on the table next to my laptop.

However. I do know that the scent of roses is prone to make me run away, be sick, or cry. Let me explain. We used to have this bottle of rose spray in the bathroom. It was there to cover up the smell in case things got a little crazy in there. So if you opened the bathroom door and the first thing you smelled was roses, you knew to run away, because the scent of something much, much worse wasn’t far behind.

I was also unlucky enough to catch the swine flu towards the end of my senior year of high school (pretty much exactly a year ago). I spent a lot of time being sick in that bathroom, so the whole room smelled like roses for a while. I came to associate that rose smell with having to be sick again.

Lastly, when I graduated high school (again, about a year ago) my parents presented me with a bouquet of roses. We moved immediately after the ceremony, making me leave behind the bedroom I had grown up in, the sanity I was used to living in, and worst of all, the friends I had grown up with. It was a teary day, needless to say. So the scent of roses makes me think of graduation, which was the last time I saw any of my friends.

So. Now that I’m all nice and emotionally exhausted, we can get to the tea. If you’re only interested in reading about the tea, begin here: The tea tastes like a black tea, nothing fancy or special. All the rose really does is hang on to the end of the sip and highlight the astringency of the black base. You can taste rose, but it isn’t very identifiable without the package sitting right next to it. If I didn’t know I was drinking rose tea, I would have thought I was drinking a particularly astringent black tea.


Awww poor Erin! Hug!


We moved around a lot when I was little. It was always traumatic for me. I never could get used to it! So I sympathize with you, Erin!


What a sad association! I hate both moving and being sick :( ::Hugs::

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1112 tasting notes

I am sipping, and having a conversation with myself:

“This is good!”

“No, this is strange!”
“No, it’s good-strange.”
“No. Honey Pear is good-strange, this is strange-strange!”
“Hmmm. I’m kinda getting you on the strange-strange, and now that I think of it, doesn’t it taste EXACTLY like Rose Milk body lotion from the 1970s!!?!?!?!”



I then promptly stopped talking to myself, threw the tea down the sink, and am about to choose something COMPLETELY different for my evening tea!!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Haha, maybe I enjoy this and jasmine because I don’t have any feminine products to compare to =D


LOL! Loved your conversation with self – have to be honest though, I don’t really recall tasting my body lotions even in the 70’s!!! ha ha


Ricky – that’s the funny thing – I usually love flowery teas! I think this one tasted like tea roses to me and I find them too much. Even in perfumes I don’t like them and I do not grow any.

Lauren – lol! I don’t even want to think about how much lipstick I have ingested yet alone face cream! Yuck but MAC doesn’t taste half bad if you like vanilla ;)


Water it down =] Drown those poor rose leaves. Get them in a fight with Jackie and then they’ll taste bruised and defeated.


LOL I love it. I’ll pass on the tea but love the post. Glad to see you recovered.

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244 tasting notes

My nose acknowledges four classes of rose: the flower, the perfume, the essence (as in rose water), and the soap/lotion. We use a lot of rose essence/rose water in our cooking in India, so I’m most familiar with the variety of tastes created by adding that to a beverage or dish. As well, when I was little I used to munch on rose petals. I like rose. A lot.

I was very happy with the fragrance of the dry leaves. Of the four recognised classes, this tea fell squarely in the “flower” one: the fragrance was fresh, pure, not artificial. Not even remotely subtle, and really lovely. The wet leaves and the steeped tea didn’t smell as strongly like a fresh flower, which was good, because it let the black tea come through a little more.

The flavour is where things just went all pear-shaped. The flavour, my friends, is neither essence nor flower, but lotion. Lotion! It’s wrong. So, so, wrong. To make matters worse, my first sip of the unsweetened tea hit the back of my throat with a distinct bitterness, which immediately shattered my resolve to wean myself off sugar/sweeteners in my tea. Straightaway, I added some sugar.

So now I’m drinking non-bitter rose lotion. Because I like rose so much, I’m reluctant to dump the tea, so it’s sitting here, and every so often I forget how disappointed I am and reach for another sip or two. What I’m finding is that as it sits (it’s just sitting, not really cooling, thanks to my super duper mug), the flavour is transitioning from lotion to flower, more like what I expected when I first cut open the packet.

In the end, I’m glad that I didn’t pour the tea down the drain. I still feel that there is a slightly lotion-y aftertaste, but to be fair, it is possible that this is mostly psychological. I’ll be okay getting through this mug, but unfortunately this isn’t a tea I’ll be stocking in the future. That said, I’d now really like to find a bold, rose tea that I would like to keep stocked. I tried a white rose that I really liked, but it was subtle. I’d like something more like this, with a nice, bold flavour, but with a rose infusion that’s more to my liking. I’ll keep trying, I’m sure I’ll find something. =)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Try some of Verdant’s alchemy blends with rose in them. If you already have then my apologies. I would not look to Golden Moon for good rose flavors. They do some things very well like their coconut pouchong for example, but rose I have found they are not the source.


Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on the Verdant line!

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