“Tea #9 from Traveling Tea Box C When I made my Georgia Tea Co. six or so months back, I avoided this one because a lot of cherry flavoring seems really medicinal (read: cherry cough drops). When it...” Read full tasting note
“Steep Information: Amount: 3 tsp Water: 500ml + filtered water at 175&defF Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL (green, medium) Steep Time: 3 minutes Served: Hot Tasting Notes: Dry Leaf...” Read full tasting note
“Tea #1 from Traveling Tea Box C. I thought I’d give this a shot since I don’t have much experience with green teas other than I don’t like them in general. But maybe this would be one I’d...” Read full tasting note
“Tea #8 from Traveling Tea Box C Holy bubblegum! This reminded me of unappealing cherry candy… and I LOVE cherries. The flavor is tastes artificial and has a strange aftertaste that lingers. The...” Read full tasting note
Green tea from japan flavored with cherry pieces.
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