“While I am steeping the first cup, the guy in the office next to mine buzzes on the intercom and asks, “Are you making tea?” “Yeah, why?” “I can smell it. It smells peachy” “Do you like...” Read full tasting note
“another backlog and a sipdown from yesterday! thank you again nxtdoor i enjoyed getting the chance to taste these teas from fusion teas. I like how the ginger takes away some of the peachy...” Read full tasting note
“I was craving something ginger-y after thinking about Rishi’s Ginger Pu-erh, but I am currently in samples-only mode to try to clear out my ridiculous tea overflow. This is one of my samples from...” Read full tasting note
“Oh man I’m a bit biased with this one because it has a TON of the elements in tea I just happened to be craving this minute. Peach, Darjeeling, and chai! What!?! This one was perfect for this...” Read full tasting note
A fruity and aromatic blend of brisk Ceylon and Darjeeling black tea paired with freshly hand ground ginger, sweet dried peaches and a touch of cinnamon and clove to provide additional sweetness and body. Wonderful hot, makes a delicious iced tea.
Ingredients: Organic Black Tea, Dried Peaches, Cinnamon, Ginger, Organic Honeybush, Natural Flavor, Cloves.
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