This is an interesting looking tea, sent to me from NofarS.
It appears to be a silver needle white, or something similar, that is maybe wrapped around something like a nail to dry, so you have these lovely spiraled pale silver/green banana curls that are roughly an inch long. Once water is added, the expand & open to become pale green budsets. The liquore is a beautiful apricot liquid with the taste of…
wtf? It tastes like soap! I know what you’re thinking…you’re thinking I didn’t rinse my teaware, right? wrong! I never use dish soap on my teaware, just hot water. Also, just to make sure, I washed everything with hot water again, resteeped (2 times!), & it still tastes like soap. I’ve only encountered this with one other tea, another tea that I was kind of excited about trying (mainly due to the presentation). I think it was called Blue Unicorn, or something like that.
Oh well…gotta try all the teas, right? Sipdown (because I’m sending it to Sil, LOL)
oh. goodie. soap tea. can’t wait lol
Hopefully it won’t taste that way to you! LOL
Haha. Hey did you get samples from justea?
Oh no! I just ordered a sample of an oolong called blue unicorn! Hope it doesn’t taste like soap!
I’ve tried blue unicorn before and it was good – for an oolong
“for an oolong”… Lol! Thanks, Sil!
haha well oolongs aren’t my favourite but i think you’ll be safe with your order. ;)
I got the blue unicorn I tried in a tea trade