Mint Green Tea

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Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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1 Tasting Note

16950 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day Thirteen – 2/5

Started my morning with a little teacup of this and some nerikiri. Honestly, I’m surprised that EDC didn’t just call this the somewhat more traditional and recognizable name “Moroccan Mint” since it seems like a pretty by the book take on one. Gunpowder green tea and all.

Not my favourite blend, but also not a least favourite. My distaste for the coarse vegetal and weakly smokey notes of Gunpowder green tea and love of crisp, menthol heavy peppermint and sweet spearmint meet somewhere in the middle. Sometimes I found the mint in this particular blend left a bit of a lingering cloying sweetness on the back of my tongue, but I think that’s also maybe because I was drinking this with a sweet accompaniment too.

Kind of neither here for it or against it.

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

I probably don’t recommend clicking the link if you have tripophobia. It’s not terrible, but something about the clustering of flowers on this album art always gives me that “instant cold sweat” back of the neck feeling I get from other tripophobic images, like lotus blossoms. Great song, though!

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