“I finally figured out what the smell of this tea reminds me of. Cyanide. :-/” Read full tasting note
Tea Temptations label by Empire Tea Services.
Company description not available.
Almond from Tea Harbor
Almond from Adagio Teas
Almond from Love is Tea (LIT)
Almond from Three Thousand Leaves/Special Teas Etc
Almond from Green Hill Tea
Almond from Østerlandsk Thehus
Cinnamon Hibiscus from Kroger Private Selection
Basil's Brew from Emilie Autumn's Asylum Emporium
Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel (Fennel-Anise-Caraway) from Sidroga
Moringa from It's Moringa
Organic Peppermint from Traditional Medicinals
Organic Lavender Chamomile from Butiki Teas