This sheng definitely caught me off guard a little bit with its fruitiness!! Though most steeps had a slightly more light and vegetal top note and body with some resinous pine sap type notes, nearly all of them finished with an almost syrupy and candy like sweet red fruit note that lingered well into the aftertaste. Though it took me much of the session to place, I finally realized that the sense of nostalgia this fruitiness was giving me was because it was reminding me of the strawberry fruit leather that I used to sometimes get as a snack in my school lunches way back in elementary school. Very cooked down and reduced, but that only drew out the sweetness of the strawberry even more so. It’s definitely one heck of a throwback!!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvDgiFsuK7s/?img_index=4
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z2mDHEA90Q