Sipdown! (110 | 207)
Another free sample from Deb. ❤
This one looks pretty and smells amazing. However, it steeps up quite weak IMO. I always use extra leaf for Deb’s teas, because they often need it, but even with 4+ teaspoons (compared to my usual 3) for a 16-ounce pot, this still tastes a bit watery. The peach flavor is nice, it reminds me of dried peaches and tastes quite natural, but it doesn’t really pop out the way I would like it to. The green base is mellow and grassy, and I don’t taste the hibiscus at all.
So I like the flavors here, but I feel like the volume needs to be turned up, so to speak. And it’s probably because there are quite a few added ingredients, while the flavoring is only applied to the green tea?
Flavors: Dried Fruit, Dry Grass, Hay, Peach, Smooth, Sweet, Tart