Shamrock & Roll

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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From Della Terra Teas

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enjoy the day with our Shamrock & Roll Rooibos! A chocolate rooibos with vanilla and mint, with mini shamrocks. Lucky! The rooibos version of our Shamrocks & Shananigans black tea for all of you rooibos and or those who love decaf teas. Give this a try.

Ingredients: Rooibos, chocolate flavor, vanilla flavor and bits, chocolate morsels, mint, shamrock sprinkles

Suggested brewing tips

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

Steep Time: 2-5 minutes

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10 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

this is a rooibos i received in a mystery swap with Shelley_Lorraine.
truth is, of all the teas i received from the mystery swap, this is the only one i already owned. i think that’s a great ratio! i received maybe 35+ tea samples, and only ONE was a duplicate. very very cool. (great job ladies!)
it’s always good to have herbal teas around. it’s how my whole tea adventure started, and they are something to look forward to as the evening gets quiet.
i don’t love any rooibos tea. but mint helps. i don’t, like, hate it, or whatever.
this tea is similar to, but better than the david’s tea mint chocolate rooibos i have. and i drink that one pretty often, so i predict that this one will be gone in no time.

finally got around to watching the “nightmare in silver” episode of doctor who.
we still don’t know who clara is, but i admit i do want them to kiss. ;)

Terri HarpLady

I watched 2 episodes tonight (I’m so behind): the ‘ghost’ episode, & ‘journey to the center of the Tardis’. :)


ok, so don’t everybody gang up on me now, but what up with the Dr. Who fandom on Steepster? I’ve only ever seen one episode and I don’t remember being glued to my seat. Is there something about it that attracts tea people?


Aaah! I haven’t even started the current season….trying to hold out for the blu-ray….so desperate for more dr who.

Shelley – depends on which Episode you watched….seasons 1-2 are a little hokey and then they get progressively better.

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, like some teas, Dr Who is an acquired taste, hahaha. I never watched the original series, but started watching episodes on Netflix a few years ago with my son Drew, starting with the 2005 season & working our way to the present. We dumped our satellite tv (1000s of channels, nothing to watch), so now we stream the newer episodes & watch on a computer.


i can’t answer about Dr. Who specifically. but i’ll throw some thoughts out why not! (i’m feelin mega blabby.) (it’s my faux friday!)
i suspect that tea attracts a certain introspective and imaginative loner type of person. and things like sci-fi and fiction are a place where society can try out new ideas and think about issues/problems and new ways of thinking. while simultaneously escaping from society itself. (i know that’s a bit grandiose but whatevs)
is tea an escape? idk. probably for some. (the amount of time i spend on steepster avoiding RL i would say yes haha)
i WILL say, and some would agree, that tea is very British. and the second thing on the list of Very British Things is Doctor Who. (Third would be Sherlock Holmes IMO) trifecta of awesome.
okay okay I guess the Queen would probably be somewhere on that list too. probably.


happy 50th anniversary Doctor!!


Oh gee, but I do love a good sci fi! Maybe it’s just that I have a problem with British programing. They can be a bit weird. haha. I don’t remember what season or episode I watched, but I remember thinking that it was weird. My husband isn’t a fan of it either, so there’s been no motivation to give it more of a chance. My number one sci fi flick ever (and I could watch reruns for the rest of my life) is Stargate SG1. As fas as British series go, they make a mean fantasy series that Im watching now, Merlin. My mother says that her mother was into Dr. Who and that my grandfather wondered what was wrong with her. lol.


i have been told i’d like Merlin a lot. because i loved BBC Robin Hood and my whole house watched Legend of the Seeker. kinda related in story telling types i guess. i’m sure i’ll get to it soon enough. (and then i will buy all the related teas)


Shmiracles – yay for Legend of the Seeker!! Haha!!


bah..legend. that show made me annoyed. even though i came to be ok with it. deviate from the books much? yes. it didn’t upset me nearly as much as stupid dresden files though lol


Sil – ya, we watched it before we read the books, so enjoyed it, but you are right, books are much different, and better, as usual!!


Shmiracles – that’s the BEST trifecta!

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15575 tasting notes

Mint? sorta check. chocolate? i guess. Overall a pretty meh kinda of blend. I prefer the persimmon tree’s blend over this one if i have to choose.

Boiling 8 min or more

I looked at that tea and ran away repulsed. “Shamrock sprinkles” are just not something that should go in a tea cup, especially ones that particularly nasty, kelly green colour!


Yeah I despise the crap that della puts in their teas. That being said, when you’re splitting a try me pack, ill often get things I know I probably won’t like since its 1-2 cups max


I wasn’t a fan of this one.
personally though, I love teas with sprinkles & such.


Oh, I’d try anything in that case — almost anything. It’s very cool you have people to share orders with like that!

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297 tasting notes

This is my second new tea, I love mint & chocolate, however it’s almost always in a caffeinated tea. So I was really glad to see this one.

However this was kind of just a blah tea. The rooibos takes the lead & the mint & chocolate take a major backseat & hardly come through.

Boiling 8 min or more

bah sorry to see that.


Rooibos kills most other flavours for me. Sorry it did that for you with this one.

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523 tasting notes

We had a spring snow storm. Not as “stormy” as they said it would be, but it was awful cold and we got a few inches of snow.

It was a long day on campus and I was looking forward to coming home to a cup of tea during most of it. I brewed up another from my order of Della Terra samples. I’m going to have to get some plain Rooibos so that I can tell what part of the flavor it is.

My first Rooibos was a vanilla blend and it was super nasty. Now, when I smell the vanilla in this and in the Winter Nog that I tried already, I almost don’t want to drink it. But this one is alright. The vanilla is more on the nose and mint in the flavor. It’s a descent cup on a cold day, but I think I prefer black tea for my minty blends.


Quite a chain jerk from warm to freezing wasn’t it!


No kidding it was! But is to be expected around here. I don’t mind so much because the longer ‘winter’ is, the more time I have to mentally prepare my for the bees and other nasty stinging bugs that ruin spring for me.


I never notice the bugs. I told my daughter she needs a bat house on her little farm. Good bug control.

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180 tasting notes

This sample is from Lariel. Taste profile is pretty similar to DTs Mint Chocolate. I only have enough for one cup (8-10oz) so to be on the safe side, I steeped this in 6oz of boiling water. It is very minty, very chocolatey but the rooibos taste still prevails by a tad. I guess, using a smaller amount of water helped in getting more of the mint and chocolate taste. Either way, I’m happy with it.

Did not re-steep well, but I was expecting that.

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688 tasting notes

It’s rare, but I actually prefer the black tea blend of this. The flavour is mildly minty chocolate. Goes well with my other chocolate mint rooibos.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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25 tasting notes

My first rooibos! First off, thanks to JennyFur for this tea!

I currently microwave my water (electric kettle for Christmas though!)and I pulled it out at 205 degrees ~ close enough. I steeped for around 2-3 mintues in my ingenuitea steeper.

First sip:
For sure not a black tea! So much more delicate. (It always takes me forever to take the first sip because I am afraid I will burn myself!)

Finishing off the cup:
I can not really taste mint in this. I am really glad the chocolate/sweetness is not too overpowering! Its a good “undertone” to this tea. I don’t really know what rooibos is supposed to taste like, but this good nonetheless! I think next time I will use 1.5 teaspoons per 8 oz because it tastes a little too much like water (if you get what I mean).

Overall, a really great first experience with a rooibos tea :)

p.s. the shamrock sprinkles were so cute :D

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Glad you are enjoying what you got from Jenny :-)


I love the little touches like the sprinkles that Della Terra puts in their stuff. It makes you smile when you see it. I got this tea as a random sample and I liked it but I’m not big on mint, so I’m glad you enjoy it.

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299 tasting notes

This is a nice chocolate mint tea for the evening. A little bit oversweet but still good.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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24 tasting notes

I thought I would drink and make a note on this tea today being that it is St. Patrick’s day…This is a nice tasting rooibos. I can taste both the mint and chocolate, but I would love this tea if both of those flavors were bolder…I guess I was looking for more of a minty hot chocolate, which I’m sure it’s not intended to be…It is good though and I am enjoying it hot, lightly sweetened and with a splash of coconut/almond milk.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 52/365

This is pretty yummy, which I recalled from having it previously (buuut apparently I did not log it). Candy cane-type of minty, as opposed to peppermint, with a nice creaminess. The rooibos is woody and noticeable, but not unpleasant. Wouldn’t have minded having more of this!

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