Tea type
Black Tea
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Marshmallow, Tea, Creamy, Vanilla, Chocolate, Graham Cracker, Cocoa, Graham, Malt, Sugar, Sweet
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 332 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Whoa, my mom’s cupboard is a time capsule. A couple years ago, I gave her some smaller amounts of my favourites for her to try, including this one. And obviously, she never got to it. So I figured...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good news: my shift is over. Bad news: my shift was absolutely freaking terrible. Good news: I’m not coming back to work for a week! And also, this tea. I wanted dessert after the crazy night I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am not a huge fan of DAVIDs Toasted Marshmallow but when I combined it with this tea, it actually complimented it quite nicely. Unfortunately, all my consequent cups combining the teas,...” Read full tasting note
  • “FINALLY actually enjoying a cup of tea! Yes I must be getting better! Finally thank goodness! I wanted something vanilla but still a bit weak to get too far into my cupboard to find the one I was...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

One of the best things about sitting around a fire are of course, the S’mores! We’ve captured all that is amazing about a melty gooey S’more in this black tea! You’ll taste the familiar tastes of marshmallow, graham cracker and chocolate. So, even when you aren’t outside by a crackling campire you can enjoy the delicious taste of a S’more anytime!

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate bits, chocolate flavor, mini marshmallows, marshmallow and graham flavoring, finely crushed graham crackers

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

Steep Time: 2- 3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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151 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

S’mores for breakfast!

I love this tea, I think maybe I could sweeten it just a touch and love it even more though. I don’t think it’s very chocolatey, but the marshmallow and graham cracker is pretty awesome despite that.

I tried this with a 4 minute steep today and it was perfect, definitely a temp to keep in mind for the black teas from Della Terra, I always have a problem with it not being enough in the end.


oh hah i brought this to work and will have it later! 4 minutes it is :)

Jackie O

I’ve had this at work with me all week, so yummy!! I also do four minutes, four and a half if I’m feeling ultra indulgent.


They’re all on sale right now too! So tempting, except I’ve got 4 parcels of tea that I’m expecting any day now, so… it’s not like I really should order more. :|

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357 tasting notes

I selected this as the first tea to try out of my chocolate try me pack. It’s smooth and lovely with no bitterness, but to me the S’mores taste is really taking a back seat to the black tea. That’s not a bad thing; it’s just not what I was hoping for.

Now that I look at my dry mix, I’m starting to think I should have shaken the packet a bit more before scooping out my tea, because it looks like there’s still some obvious settling. Maybe my next attempt with this tea will be more up to my expectations. I must admit that when it comes to flavored teas, I’m partial to ones that are in-your-face. I’m sure my preferences will eventually grow beyond this, but for now I still taunt my flavored teas with: “C’mon, hit me, I dare you” “Is that all you’ve got?!”

Hmmm…perhaps talking smack to my tea is a hint that I should lay off watching ultimate fighting for a while?…nah…

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361 tasting notes

Weird. My sample had a bunch of mini marshmallows in it. The 1oz bag I ordered doesn’t have a single one. But it’s actually much more flavorful than the sample. I also overleafed as I underleafed last time and didn’t want to make that mistake again. I like this. I don’t love it. But I definitely like it. For the second steep, I added a couple tsp of laoshan black chocolate Genmaicha to add some roastiness. Good combo for sure.


I know 52teas changed to using marshmellow root to make their recipes vegan, maybe Della Terra did that at on point too?

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292 tasting notes

I just wish I liked Della Terra’s black tea base more, because the flavor of this is so precisely s’mores. I definitely prefer the marshmallow-y goodness of this one to DavidsTea’s Toasted Marshmallow, but I would much rather drink a David’s black.

Still, this is a very tasty cup, and did the trick as a dessert-y tea for me this evening.

2 min, 30 sec

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676 tasting notes

I slept in this morning. I climbed out of my super comfy big bed…put on one of those robes that feels like you’ve been wrapped in a babies cuddly stuffed animal and made a pot of ‘Favored Tea’.

My tea journey began with ‘Flavored Tea’, and gradually wandered down other avenues that at first were mysterious.
Green, Black, Oolong and then…Pu-erh. Each tea variety grabbed my attention and taught me about what was the tea base under all the flavored tea’s that I had loved so much.

I discovered that there is a point where you either have to pull away and choose to only drink unflavored tea or keep in the loop and taste and enjoy what everyone else is raving about without discrimination.

Tea can be very serious, or it can be loads of fun. I saw the same sort of cerebral decision working at the Winery. People got so serious that they no longer fully enjoyed wine. Some refused to try a wine that they assumed they wouldn’t like. “I don’t drink Rieslings”. Well, that’s borish!

I don’t want to be borish! I love my earthy Shu Pu-erh’s, adore my dangerously chocolate Black Tea’s and swoon over dark Autumnal Oolongs.

However, give me some flavored tea’s too! They are FUN!

What was brilliant with this S’mores tea was the use of real chocolate bits and real mini marshmallows and real crushed graham crackers. Just using chocolate, marshmallow and graham flavor would have sunk the tea into a horrid artificial flavor hole.
The natural ingredients seemed to cancel any taste of artificial flavoring. (I was relieved!)

When I first tasted the tea plain I wasn’t impressed at all. It was too bland. I added Splenda and cream which made the tea delicious.
I haven’t had success tasting the chocolate in any of the Della Terra Tea’s. No idea why. A little cocoa but nothing I’d call real chocolate.

What stood out was the marshmallow flavor and graham cracker taste.
Those flavors were rich and creamy, strong enough to make you feel like you were having a satisfying dessert. I had two mugs of this yummy tea!

So far, this and the Chocolate Pumpkin Chai have been delicious and worth having on hand!


Nice review Bonnie and I enjoy reading your thoughts! While I really love straight tea it is fun to have the flavored stuff sometimes, especially when I’ve had a long day or week.

Donna A

Agree with you. I love unflavored tea, but it is fun to mix it up with some flavored teas too. I have found that my tastes and moods change, sometimes day to day!

Terri HarpLady

I usually like to drink mostly straight unsweetened teas in the morning, have flavored teas later in the afternoon, as a special treat. :)


I like them all. I find flavored tea is good to help cut down on dessert cravings or as a replacement for soda.


I am tea-agnostic. Almost. I pretend lapsang souchong doesn’t exist. But other than that, I’m tea-agnostic. :D


Glad you tried this one! I think Della Terra’s Dubbele Chocolade has the most chocolate flavor.

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185 tasting notes

Alrighty… guests are out of the house, back to writing about tea!

We bought a sampler pack from Della Terra Teas because Missy really wanted to try the chocolately sampler pack. So we picked it up! And a few custom sampler packs… and there was a promotion that they threw in a Fall Sampler free with two custom sampler packs…

So, even though I haven’t been here posting, that doesn’t meant that I’ve somehow managed my problem. ;)

This tea is quite good, though they had me at graham cracker. It is very chocolately, and the marshmallow adds a nice creaminess to the flavor. A very nice creaminess.

The tea base itself isn’t my favorite though. I’m not sure what type it is (and Della Terra’s website isn’t telling!), but it reminds me a lot of the Hunan black I’ve had in a few blends from MarketSpice, that really just rubs me the wrong way.

Oh well, the flavoring more than makes up for it, and I think this tea will probably stick around. Could it be better? Probably. Is it the best tea with graham crackers I’ve ever had? YES!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Woo, you live!!


The idea of a s’mores tea is very, VERY enticing.

Dylan Oxford

We live :)

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160 tasting notes

This seems to go as fast as it comes in. I am swapping loads of this tea and not drinking nearly enough of it myself, so I sip now. Marshmallowy, chocolatey, graham crackery goodness. It’s smooth and rich without being bitter. It’s a summer bonfire in a grey kitten mug and I love it so much.

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4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: This one was haunting me, so I had to have another cup today. It’s rare I drink the same tea twice in two months! I decided to follow the 2-3 minute steep instructions this time. I don’t think I did last time. I think the flavor ended up the same. There are slight marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker flavors here, but they are LIGHT. I’ve tried a bunch of Della Terra teas since I first tried this one… and I could be wrong, but it seems like this black tea blend has a stronger black tea than their others. It still isn’t a very strong black tea, but I think it’s just noticeable enough. I think Della Terra would have the perfect S’mores blend, if only the flavor was stronger!

3 min, 0 sec

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172 tasting notes

I won this in a contest on Della Terra’s facebook page, they frequently have these giveaways so I would highly recommend that you guys check them out.

I went into this with low expectations, but a lot of curiosity. I love s’mores but just wasn’t sure how well it would translate into tea. It really exceeded my expectations. With a little sugar, it was a rich chocolatey brew with hints of marshmallow and graham cracker and a little hint of smokey spice. Frankly, this was delicious. I went into it with low expectations but I came out of it with a new tea on my shopping list. You should check this one out.

Della Terra Teas

Thank you for the review :) I am so happy you enjoyed the tea.

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612 tasting notes

We had this one a while back for afternoon tea and I forgot to log it. The smell and front end of the sip is uncanny in its resemblance to no-frills s’mores—I get everything, the waxy cheap meltable chocolate, graham cracker (yes!), and sugary bag o’ cheap marshmallows. Husband and I were both like “wow, that IS a s’more!” But it turns out I don’t want to drink standard s’more flavor as tea…it includes the pinpointy plastic afterbite of cheap chocolate and Kraft marshmallow, and drinking that is overload. Alas. This is a case where the tea does what it says on the tin (ha) and kudos to DT for that, especially given it’s a rather tricky, odd synthesis of flavors. I just don’t want that particular flavor profile as tea much (see: Cherry Cola and Cake). But yeah, good job Della Terra, and sorry this isn’t for me. Luckily husband likes it enough to finish off the sample.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Yeah, I’ll get that with some teas too. It’ll be a flavor of something I really like, but discover the hard way that I’d really rather not DRINK it xD


Ha! I loved this at first but after going through a little more of an ounce, the sweetness got to me too. Plastic afterbite is a great description. Definitely some weird undertones now that I think about it.

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