Walnut Fudge Brownie

Tea type
Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Dense, rich, nutty and tasting like the most decadent of desserts, Walnut Fudge Brownie will rival even your favourite sweet treat. Made with sustainable coffee leaf, which provides income for coffee workers year-round, this rich black tea has dimensions beyond sweet. The walnuts make it even more addictive and delicious. Make it extra indulgent with a little milk, or better yet, use it as the base for a frothy latte. Like the best brownies — we defy you to have just one.

What makes it great

Coffee leaf provides steady income for coffee workers who normally only have income for 3 months of the year.

Brewed to have a rich dessert flavour without sitting heavy after a big meal.

The black tea provides an energizing base to a knock-out flavour.

Pro tip : try it as a tea latte to bring out the chocolate flavour!

How it tastes
Indulge in a cup of nutty walnuts and rich chocolate, better than grandma’s secret recipe.

Black tea, Chicory root, Monk fruit, Walnut, Coffee leaf, Chocolate (Cane sugar, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter), Cocoa powder, Natural (dark chocolate, whipped cream) flavouring, Organic sweet flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

4 Tasting Notes

252 tasting notes

I love love love this tea! It’s the perfect blend of chocolate and walnut. Tastes so much like a walnut fudge brownie!

Had it as a hot latte using chocolate oat milk

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 169)

Second new tea, and the last one I tried. I’m always drawn to chocolate/dessert teas, although they often don’t deliver, but this was a pleasant surprise. It really did taste like a rich, chocolatey, fudge brownie – and what I also enjoyed was that I didn’t find it sickly sweet. There appears to be no stevia, although there is “organic sweet flavouring”, whatever that may be. I feel like it would make a good latte, although it’s possible that some of the walnut/fudginess would be lost and it would just kind of taste chocolatey; I’m not sure. Probably not a repurchase unless I find a really sweet spot with it, but I’ll enjoy what I have.

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16950 tasting notes

I wrote a tasting note for this one last week when it launched, but I realized earlier tonight while I was steeping myself up a mug that it never posted. It hasn’t happened in a long time for me, but I guess that note was eaten by Steepster. So, this probably wont be as detailed a tasting note as the one I first wrote up. Oh well.

I was thinking tonight as I was sipping on this tea that despite seeming so straight forward, there’s really quite a lot of “customization” when it comes to brownies and everyone has such distinct preferences. Are you a nuts in brownies person? Chocolate chips or chunks in the batter? Frosted on top? Edge or middle brownie? Firm or really chewy?? If I were to describe my own personal perfect brownie it would probably be a simple unfrosted chewy middle brownie without any add-ins. However, that’s not really what I’d want in a brownie tea.

A plain chocolate tea, which is essentially what a brownie tea would be, just feels really boring to me. Maybe that’s because I’m not big on chocolate teas in general? Honestly I’m not sure. So, I really like this interpretation of a brownie tea because it’s not overly sweet and has more of those just a bit bitter dark chocolate fudge-y cacao notes and then quite a distinct walnut flavour. Of all the nuts you see used in tea, walnut is definitely one of the least common – and when I personally think of walnut teas that I really enjoy my list is super small: Toasted Walnut from DT and I remember a walnut truffle type of blend from Tea Desire that I’ve enjoyed in the past. So there’s enough interest to this blend for me to get a bit into it and understand the appeal.

If I had to describe the kind of brownie this tea is, it would obviously have walnut mix ins but I’d also call it a more “baked”/firm unfrosted darker chocolate edge brownie.

Now, it does take a lot for a chocolate tea to make it’s way into what I consider my “permanent” collection and I’m not totally sure if I’m there yet with this blend, but I do like it and I grabbed myself a smaller bag of it shortly before it launched so that I could gauge how fast I might go through it/find myself reaching for it.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


I had noticed the lack of review for this one!

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