Sakura Cherry

Tea type
Green Tea
Cornflower Petals, Natural Wild Cherry Flavor, Sencha
Cherry, Artificial, Floral, Toasty, Medicinal
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! 219/365! I always wanted this to taste like Den’s Sakura Sencha, but it just doesn’t. The flavour is definitely cherry, though it tastes a bit fake (a little like cherry blasters?), but it...” Read full tasting note
  • “I want to like green tea more than I do, but my preferred green is sencha, so I figured this would be good. I have had this in my cupboard for some time and wanted to finish it to make room. But,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! So This tea is a bit of a sad sip down but shouldn’t be. The cherry comes across as cough syrup like in this blend and is very strong. I’ve been sipping on my bag of this so much that I’ve...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is super YUCK. I think it smells good, like a cherry green tea, but it tasted like I was drinking cherry cough syrup mixed with green tea. I was hoping that this would be similar to Zhi...” Read full tasting note


Something magical happens to Japan in the spring. People picnic under the blooming sakura trees to celebrate the two-week long cherry blossom season. This centuries-old practice, called hanami (literally “watching blossoms”), is so popular nearly everyone in the country takes part in this seasonal ritual. And with Sencha green tea and a bright cherry aroma, this luxurious, fruity blend brings Japan’s timeless tradition straight to your cup. One sip of this delicately fresh tea and you’ll be basking under a sakura tree of your own in no time.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

14 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 219/365!

I always wanted this to taste like Den’s Sakura Sencha, but it just doesn’t. The flavour is definitely cherry, though it tastes a bit fake (a little like cherry blasters?), but it might be the base that throws me off as well, as it’s a pretty boring base here, whereas Den’s is much tastier, with brown sugar notes and umami deliciousness. This base is just band.

Not a terrible tea, but it fails in comparison to a tea I really enjoy.

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100 tasting notes

I want to like green tea more than I do, but my preferred green is sencha, so I figured this would be good. I have had this in my cupboard for some time and wanted to finish it to make room. But, I remember now why it is in the way back, it is not good! The smell is good, and the idea is good, the taste is not. It tastes, as others have mentioned, like cherry cough syrup, :(.

Flavors: Cherry

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1324 tasting notes

So This tea is a bit of a sad sip down but shouldn’t be. The cherry comes across as cough syrup like in this blend and is very strong. I’ve been sipping on my bag of this so much that I’ve come to reach for it. That’s probably because green teas are my favorite and I haven’t had a good green tea in ages it seems like because I currently have tons of black teas. Since I wanted to branch out. The very slim to none green teas I have are unopened and so I’ve been saving them till my cupboard shrinks down a ton. I never did get to try this iced which was disappointing because I forgot to cold brew some. I definitely would like to try some more cherry blossom green teas in the future.
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person on steepster who favors green teas more than any other variety.

Flavors: Artificial, Cherry, Floral, Toasty

14 OZ / 414 ML
Mastress Alita

I didn’t forget, I have just been waiting to finally have a business day off in my work schedule to get to go to the PO. I finally have one this coming Monday.

Lexie Aleah

I know you’ve been busy with your presentations and stuff at the library. Thanks Again! Also I’m not too familiar mailing things myself but am close to Tea Chai Te and have never been. If it would be cheaper for me to pick you up some stuff and mail it.

Mastress Alita

My Tea Chai Te stash is pretty good at the moment thanks to a pretty generous gift card my Dad gave me for my b-day last month that I cashed in online with a pretty big order, but next time you are in Portland, I highly recommend giving them a visit! Portland has so much good tea between them, and Jasmine Pearl, and Steven Smith, and Strand… waaaa, if it didn’t rain all the time out there and barometric pressure changes trigger my migraines, I’d be tempted to move into that area for the tea alone! My friend and I took a trip to Portland for my birthday in 2017 and somehow ended up at Tea Chai Te every evening of that weekend because it was so good, and the baristas noticed and I think were a bit worried, hahaha.

Lexie Aleah

Being only 15 minutes away I really have no excuse for not checking out the tea selections over there. That’s unfortunate that your migraines get worse. I get nosebleeds from climate changes very easily.


Re: green teas – I think you might be one of the few people who likes flavoured greens more! Straight greens are reasonably popular, but there’s definitely not a lot of love for flavoured ones around here – I feel like it’s because green tea is more apt to lose its good flavours quickly, and many blenders don’t seem to use high quality greens for flavouring. Exceptions are some of the smaller companies, like Butiki/52teas/A Quarter to Tea (and probably some others).

Also, I know I’m a year late to this, but I like reading old tasting notes when I review a tea!

Lexie Aleah

^^ I actually prefer straight green teas. I just thought this was interesting because of the Sakura aspect. :) Love reading old tea notes too!

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41 tasting notes

This tea is super YUCK. I think it smells good, like a cherry green tea, but it tasted like I was drinking cherry cough syrup mixed with green tea. I was hoping that this would be similar to Zhi Tea’s Cherry Sencha (which I LOVE!) but unfortunately, Sakura Cherry fell super short.

Flavors: Artificial, Cherry

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15 tasting notes

What I love about making this tea is that it smells amazing!
But that’s about it. It just tastes like a bland green tea, which is strange since it is supposed to be sweeter. I’d recommend it only because of how it smells.

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1764 tasting notes

Cold brew! I like it much better this way. Roswell Strange said it right, bubblegum notes do take over. There is still a hint of cherry. But the overwhelming floral notes from a hot brewed cup are rather muted. A relaxing blend, to be sure. I can see how it would be a love it or hate it type of tea though.
Not something I’ll repurchase, but I’m glad to have tried it.

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326 tasting notes

Shout out to my boyfriend for saving the day today. Our buzzer is linked to his phone so when he got home (right after me) I told him to make sure he had it with him in case Purolator came by with my DAVIDs Tea order. His response was “oh, Purolator was downstairs when I came in” checks phone “and there’s a missed call from the lobby.” He then promptly ran downstairs and managed to flag the delivery guy down and get my package!

As for this tea, I got it to up my order to the $50 needed for free shipping. In hindsight I should’ve just got more Swampwater, especially since my boyfriend has developed a taste for it and my supply is rapidly dwindling. Ah well. The cherry in this is expectedly artificial (think sour cherry blasters at best and Halls at worst) and the base is nothing special, overpowered by the cherry, and becomes bitter easily. It did seem a bit better as it cooled so maybe I’ll give it a go iced next. Not unbearable, but nothing I need to have cluttering up my cupboard.


That was a close one! I haven’t even opened the Swampwater yet, and hope that the 100g will be enough.

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16950 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (128)!

As a cold brew, the bubblegum notes I observed in the first (hot) cup I tried of this are even more apparent and in your face. Downside is that the cherry is less sweet and well rounded, and sadly it gives off a bit of a medicinal/cough syrup sort of quality. The green base was more masked as well; in a way I think that’s a plus because I disliked the base in the first place. However, it’s also a drawback because it means there’s less flavour to counterbalance the medicinal aspects of the cherry.

Overall it wasn’t terrible; I did finish it afterall. However, there are some areas where improvement is definitely doable and needed in order to make this better. As is, I wont be buying it again.

Also, Bad Suns’ new album is out! I’m really loving it so far – there aren’t really any tracks I dislike although some are definitely better. It’s been fun learning the new songs alongside cups of tea and trying to work out pairings for songs I’m just now exploring.

Pairing for this one:

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561 tasting notes

OMG I am sooooooo in love with this tea!! I hope it sticks around forever! The cherry flavor is to die for. Very crisp and pure tasting if that makes any sense. Plus, the green tea leaves are a beautiful deep emerald color and the fragrance coming out of the tea bag-just heavenly. They should bottle that smell and make it into a perfume.

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