“refreshing tea” Read full tasting note
Normally when we talk about DARJEELING TEA, the first thing that comes to our minds is a TRADITIONAL BLACK TEA. Undoubtedly DARJEELING TEA is the CHAMPAGNE OF TEAS because of its excellent flavor and the world famous MUSCATEL CHARACTER which is a natural gift to this part of the world.
Over the years we have witnessed some drastic changes in the TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURING PROCESS of DARJEELING TEAS. This is mainly due to the changing demands of the tea connoisseurs.
Keeping in mind the changing trend among the tea connoisseurs we have tried to bring A BLENDING REVOLUTION IN DARJEELING TEA.
This season we are glad to offer WINE TEA which is a perfect BLEND OF 2ND FLUSH MUSCATEL BLACK TEA and RED WINE. During the ROLLING OF THE TEA we have blended the tea with RED WINE in a perfect proportion.
This tea is a real surprise package where we have a wonderful MUSCATEL FLAVOR and a very fruity wine finish to it…
A real different tea and a must have for the tea connoisseurs…
FOR MORE DETAIL VIEW THIS TEA ON: www.darjeelingtealovers.com
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