March Mad(Hatter) Tea Tournament!
Round #1 – Match #13 Daoist Meditation – Jasmine Green VS. Bird & Blend – Hocus Focus
Another odd matchup. I could swear this green tea actually tasted like jasmine when steeped previously, but now I can’t tell that jasmine should be here at all. The green tea is so harsh. This would make it almost impossible for the jasmine to peak through unless it was being used to flavor a harsh green tea. But why make jasmine try to do that anyway? Flavor a nice green with jasmine. They will both elevate the other. The bits of tea are fairly tiny, which is probably why this cup is bad. It’s also not fresh, so not entirely the fault of this poor tea. (And thank you Meowster for sending a tea I’m just now writing a note for!) The Hocus Focus not only has a stellar name, but a unique flavor profile. If it also gives me focusing powers, great. Winner: Hocus Focus