“Bitter dandelion roots with a high amount of astringency. Strong color, thick mouthfeel, and the craziest tea drunk I’ve ever found myself. It. Does. Not. Let. Up. Side note: My White2Tea order has...” Read full tasting note
“Something I’ve noticed, is the cake is not pressed as tightly as some other offerings from CLT. So it seems to use larger chunks of tea, as it seems to be lighter, and fluffier than others. The...” Read full tasting note
This tea is made with Autumn small arbor tree material from Hekai that was picked and processed in 2017. The full wrapper features a star-field that matches the night sky at the tea garden when this tea was picked. If you are in Hekai in Autumn and hold this wrapper to the night sky these are the stars you’ll see.
This tea presents a traditional sheng experience with plenty of hay, alfalfa, and sweet grass aroma. There is a floral finish and sweet aftertaste. The sweetness is balanced with a mild bitterness.
Prefecture: Xishuangbanna
Elevation: 1200m +
Wood Fired
Hand Rolled
Single Varietal
Single Garden
Company description not available.