First to rate? Ok, I’ll do my best.
Sample comes from VariaTEA – who else? I made it up in my timolino yesterday because I was really craving a good Monk’s Blend and I’d yet to try this one despite having it in my possession for a while. And though I took it to work with me, I didn’t actually start drinking it until after I’d gotten home and began making myself supper (I actually cooked and not just microwaved, since I had today off!).
As a Monk’s Blend it was pretty good! It had really strong, flavourful grenadine notes which somewhat leaned towards pomegranate in flavour with maybe a like strawberry-like quality. The vanilla, which is also traditionally part of MB, was a little less noticeable and definitely faded into the shadow of the grenadine, but that said there were still sips where it showed through a little more prominently.
The black base had the faintest touch of malt to it which was interesting, and there was also a little bit of astringency near the end of the timolino but I’m going to chock that up to the fact that this one sat around in the timolino for a good eightish hours before I got to drinking it. Overall, not as good at my favour MB from MTC – but solid.
I still have one more cup worth, and I think I’ll prepare it at home in a regular old mug for comparison. Looking forward to it!
Flavors: Grenadine, Malt, Vanilla