When I was making a purchase at my local tea shop, Clipper Ship Tea Company the owner gave me a generous sample of this roasted Yancha. I generally don’t like roasted teas because they are often too roasty for my tastes. This one is nice however as it is a very light roast. The roast profile was noticeable in the first steep but not overpowering. It was slightly less by the second steep and is noticeably less in the fourth steep. I only gave this tea four steeps because I am always watching my caffeine and it is time to cut out caffeine for the day. I think it would have certainly gone two more steeps. I used a moderate amount of tea for the gaiwan because I did not want the roast to be too potent. I felt 6g for a 150ml gaiwan was enough although I know some people will fill the gaiwan to capacity.
I brewed this four times in a 150ml gaiwan with 6g leaf and boiling water. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, and 10 sec. This company is rumored to soon have a website for those not close enough to stop by and I have always gotten some good tea, generally at reasonable prices. I’m not certain I would buy this one as I rarely want to drink roasted oolongs but it was nice.
Flavors: Roasted