“This one smells like wet wood and dirt…very earthy. The color is a medium brown once infused. The flavor is more gentle than I assumed it would be based on the aroma, alone. I’m happy with the...” Read full tasting note
“Backlog: I didn’t notice the same earthiness from this puerh that my SororiTea Sister TeaEqualsBliss did. This was a surprising Puerh, because I could taste unique sweet and fruity notes! A mild...” Read full tasting note
Douji’s Riped Puerh Series.
2011 Douji “Nuan Jiang Shan” (Warm River Mountain) Ripe Puerh Loose Leaf Tea 200g
Recommend Douji Product, good for collecting, limited product due to its low production!
Aroma – Mellow, unique.
Flavor – Thick, Smooth and Sweet.
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