China Cha Dao "Pre-Ming Superior AAA" Long Jing Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jerry Ma
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From China Cha Dao

Recommend to all Long Jing buyer’s, superb & unique taste! Very refreshing and newly picked! Rating 5/5.*

Long Jing is often called the national drink of China and is frequently given to visiting heads of state. It is also a favorite tea of today’s top leaders, with a portion of production reserved for government customers.

Like most other Chinese green tea, Longjingtea leaves are pan fired (not fried) to stop the fermentation process. In the world of tea, the term “fermentation” refers to the drying of the freshly picked leaves, resulting in enzymatic oxidation. This oxidation is stopped by frying or steaming the leaves before they completely dry out. As is the case with other green teas, Longjing tea leaves are unfermented. When steeped, the tea produces a yellow-green color, a gentle, pure aroma, and a rich flavor. The tea contains Vitiman C, amino acids, and has one of the highest concentration of catechins among teas, second only to white teas.

About the Anti-Fake Sticker:

Only 250g “Pre-Ming Grade 1” or above grade Long Jing will comes with an “Anti-Fake” sticker, to prove that the tea is produce and picked in West Lake, Hangzhou Province during Pre-Ming(20th March – 4th April). The “Anti-Fake Sticker” are given out to tea farmers and producer by the Hangzhou Agriculture Department. The numbers of these “Anti Fake Stickers” farmers and produce get depence on the size of the farm land and tea tree they own, so these sticker is limited in an amount.

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